nine - family issues r so fun lol

Start from the beginning

Im playing with my fingers looking around Aarons truck. The silence is interrupted by his phone getting a notification.

He grabs his phone and I see the white screen light up in his face.

"Meredith wants me to give you her phone number." He says. "Give me your phone."

I do. I grab my purse and hand him my phone. I hear him type, a lot.

He hands me back my phone and I realize he does put in Meredith's phone number, but he puts in his as well. My stomach turns more than I'd like to admit.

I immediately get a text from Meredith.

Please tell me you're home. I need some
immediate advice asap. Please help a girl out after I basically saved your life :))

I'm home. Obviously I'll help you Mer. You're basically my new best friend. Maybe even my only friend atm. I'll send you my location. What time are you getting here?

Cassandra V shared her location

Aw you're basically my only friend too Cass. I don't live that far from you. It'll take me like ten minutes to get there. Maybe twenty. I'm stopping at the store for snacks. Do you want anything?

Chocolate. Crunch, Hersheys, Kitkat. Literally anything chocolate. Thanks.

No problem. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Maybe less.

"Meredith's coming over. I'm gonna go." I say, as I put my phone inside my purse and close it.

"Yeah, okay." I open the door to his truck and step out. I stop before I close the door and turn to him.

"Thank you." I say.

He's already looking at me. "For what?"

"For everything. For taking me to the rage room. Telling me about Maggie and Jackson. Getting me out of that party. Getting me food. And obviously for calling my father an asshole. I appreciate it. So thank you."

"You're welcome. It's the least I could do." He says, I smile. I close the door to the truck and walk towards my front door.

Aaron doesn't drive off until I'm inside the house and the door is closed.

"I'm home!" I yell, walking up the stairs into my room. I lean to the side to take off my left heel then my right. I open the door to my room and place them right next to the door. I walk back out to go find my sister and brother.

"Rory! Jason! Where are you guys?" I yell, I walk back downstairs. I don't see them anywhere. They're not in the kitchen nor their rooms. I open the sliding door to outside to find them playing with my younger brothers nerf guns. Water nerf guns.

"Oh hey wanna play?" Jason asks as he's aiming for Rory.

Jason's six years younger than me. Rory's three years younger than me. Mom was always so busy with work so most of the time I would be the one to clean the house up. Or make them food. Wash their clothes. Mom obviously still did stuff around the house, but the more she got busy with work, the more I was expected to do everything around the house.

"No my friends coming over right now. Wrap this game up, you guys need sleep. Where's mom?" I ask, as I'm leaning against the door.

"She's asleep. Said she was tired and wanted to know if you could make food for us." Rory responded with as she ran across the backyard.

Fuck. "So you guys haven't eaten all day?" I say again, this time I'm not leaning against the door.

Jason and Rory both nod. "Okay Ill order pizza, it's too late to do anything right now. Is that good with you guys?" I say, grabbing my phone the counter to call the pizza place.

They nod again and continue to play.

I close the sliding door and order pizza for them plus Meredith and me.


I'm washing the dishes in the sink when I hear the doorbell ring. I turn of the faucet and grab a napkin next to me to dry my hands.

I open the door to find both Meredith and the delivery man flirting. "Oh Cass this is—" she looks at his uniform and quickly back to me, "Simon."

"Nice to meet you Simon. How much do I owe you?" I say, as I walk to the counter close to the door to grab money.

"That'll be $21.69." He says as I look through my wallet. I hand him the money and give Meredith a look that says 'seriously the delivery boy'. We say our goodbyes to 'Simon' and I close the door.

"So what's going on that you need immediate advice." I say, as I place the pizza boxes on the island counter. I walk towards the sliding door and bang on it to get their attention. 'The foods here' I say through the door.

"Sorry, my mom didn't make anything so I had to get them something quick." I say, as I open the pizza boxes and grab plastic plates from the cabinets.

"Oh it's fine as long as you got me some as well." Meredith says as she gives me a smile. I laugh and nod.

authors note:
hey guysss what do you think? if they're is any spelling mistakes please correct me 🫵 i'll have the next chapter hopefully by next week. anyways please vote and tell me how much we adore meredith 🤞 byeee thanks for still reading this story. i might not be posting a lot for this one because i do have like two other stories i'm working on currently that i haven't released yet so yeah. byeee

edit: 2/2/23
i'm like on a roll today.

fun fact: cassandra's parents r mine irl 😝😝😝😝 also i have an unhealthy obsession with chocolate too 😓😓😓 ily guys sm u guys r like my bestfriends bc i don't have any 🤞🤞

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