Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know

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I stood in front of the glass window and watched as the colorful fabrics swirled around gracefully with each turn and floated back down to their original forms. It had been almost 2 years since I had been near a dance studio and watching the dancers in their posh little skirts dancing so happily as if nothing in the world could ever go wrong was like having my heart ripped out over and over again. I guess I have to start this seemingly random scene with the fact that I didn't just come back to London because I missed my mates, no I left because it was honestly too heartbreaking for me to stay in America without him any longer and that my life in America was not as perfect as I might have initially led you to believe.

Dancing was a part of my life that NO ONE spoke about anymore. If that day two years ago hadn't happened, I would have never quit dancing and picked up footie again. When I was younger and was still living in London Ballet was a huge part of my life and also something that I shared with my father He came to every single recital and practice and anytime I fell it I wanted to give up because a step was too hard he was always there to pick me back up and push me to keep trying.

After he died I stopped and eventually began playing footie and when I moved to America Daniel was the reason I found my love for dance again. I had been an exceptional dancer and I had always dreamed of going to school for it, and when I met Daniel I finally felt like I could make it happen again. I met Daniel when I was in high school. My senior year I used to sneak into the theatre after hours and dance. I never told anyone and it took me months of just sitting outside of the theatre and sobbing before I ever built up the courage to go in and actually dance. One afternoon on my way to the theatre I heard music coming from inside, so I stepped in to see who was in MY space. It was Daniel, and I stood in amazement at his dancing. He was the top athlete at our school I didn't know much about him but I could only assume he was like any other typical asshole jock, so basically he was the LAST person I ever thought would be a dancer, and not just a dancer but one of the most amazing dancers I had ever seen. I tried to quietly sneak out without him seeing me but as I turned to walk out and shut the door he called out after me.

He told me he had been watching me dance in the theatre for months and I hadn't ever noticed him. He asked me to dance with him and of course me being me I ran out. After weeks of him trying to get me to dance, I finally did. I had never shared this part of myself with anyone else, not since I was a child and it was a feeling I can't even put into words. I felt exhilarated, free, and more myself than I had since my dad died. He got me to volunteer at a studio with him about an hour outside of LA where he worked, and eventually I fell in love with him. For three years my life in America really was perfect, I even let my mom know about my dancing and for the first time since I left my old life to come to America I was truly happy. We went to Uni together and had even began talking about a life together outside of Uni.

My sophomore year at Stanford quickly became one of the worst years of my life. Daniel had been at the studio rehearsing for an audition he was planning on going to in a few weeks and was driving back pretty late. It had been raining really badly all day, so he called me to tell me he was on his way back to campus, not to wait up and that he loved me. Hours later I woke up to a phone call from my sister saying that Daniel had been in a crash on the highway. He died at the hospital before I was even able to make it to the hospital to see him. Just like that my dancing ended again.

Daniel had been the first guy to ever make me feel beautiful, and the only person to make me find what I loved so much all over again, but without him in my life anymore even thinking about dancing was torture. I knew if he was still around he would be upset that I had quit again and would probably drag me into that studio and make me stay until I danced again...but he wasn't here. I could feel the tears burning in my eyes and hurried away from the window and began the walk home. Instead of dancing like I knew he would have wanted me to, I tried out for the footie team at Stanford and ended up getting a scholarship to play. As much as I loved footie it could never compare to the way I felt when I was dancing and it definitely couldn't compare to the time I spent with Daniel. Since being in London I hadn't thought about dance that much and since meeting Jake I hadn't been crying myself to sleep every night over Daniel which I instantly felt the most overwhelming sense of guilt over. I frantically wiped my eyes as I approached the entrance to our building. I didn't want to explain to Beth Ann, I didn't want to depress her as much as I was.

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