17.Pranks and tea

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The sun rays shone through the crimson red curtains and into the bedroom of Artemis. It was a quite morning, since it was fairly early for someone in vacation.

Oh right. She wasn't in school anymore, Artemis thought, her mind still dazed because she had just gotten up.

The book she read yesterday lied beneath her cat as if Pluto was reading it too before going to sleep.

Sleep was something she wanted right now even though she just woke up.

Today was her day off. No missions, no order of the Phoenix, no dad that didn't care enough for her, no friends that now fear her because of her past, no stress nothing.

Yeah her life was pretty sad. But hey! Just approximately forty years to go, before she is put down into a ditch andlong forgotten by everyone.

"Oh, Artieee!" Okay, maybe not everyone feared her.

"Go away." She mumbled with a pout. The twins have been trying to get her out of her room for the last two weeks now, but nothing worked. It got to the point where they decided to stay up all night in front of her door, because they knew that she had to attend to missions, but ended up sleeping on each other anyway. When Artemis got out of her room, she cooed slightly at the sight in front of her and managed to bring them over to their room, which they were sharing with the boys.

Since she had a more motherly side of her, she would tuck both of them in, then she would see that Ron was almost falling out of his bed, and would be his silent guardian so he doesn't hurt himself. Then she would notice that Harry's blanket got pulled off in his sleep again.

It was the only time where she could show that she cared. She was pretty sure that everyone hated her now. How could they not? Every human in their right mind would flinch away from a monster like her.

That was also the reason why she was so desperate to get Yelena back. Maybe, she would be her saving grace.

But maybe she had already fallen too deep into the dark hole.

"But you promised us that you would help us prank Sirius!" That was George. "Yeah! People should keep their promises, you know?" That was Fred.

They were the only ones who were...well the best way to describe it was,that they were indifferent to her past. Or rather ignored it. Artemis didn't know what to call it, but she knew that for some reason they didn't care.

It had taken the Weasley twins 2 weeks to get their friend out of her room, and now they had finally broken her defenses. A frontal attack always works in the end, they would say.

"Don't you look..."

"Like she lived in rubbish these two weeks?"

"Yeah, somethin' like that George." Artemis roled her eyes at their remarks. She stood in the doorframe, crossing her arms over her chest, as questions began to invade her mind. Such as: what were they doing here? Shouldn't they feel...intimidated? Afraid? Betrayed?

"Now, back to the matter at hand."

"Help us with the Polyjuice potion." Both fell to their knees holding their hands together, and Artemis couldn't help but chuckle at their theatrics.

It would be fun to let them make it themselves, but she was so happy that some people still saw her as Artemis that she decided to make things easier for them. "I already have some in my room. Come in, I guess."

Fred and George's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. They always wanted to know what secrets lied in the youngest Black's room.

And no actually they did indeed think about her past. It wasn't like they ignored it. At first, they did feel betrayed, because Artemis didn't trust them with her secret. It wasn't like they had known each other for ages, still it felt wrong that she didn't tell them.

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