Night-Life (Final Part)

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She looked so at peace. Y/N had been in a continuous battle in her mind ever since her bond with the Doctor was ripped, and yet for the first time in months, she was able to be at ease. All that mattered in that moment was the sweet, chilled air and her slowly beating heart that kept her alive. That beat came to a complete stop.

"I always did love London at night."

That voice. That sweet voice that she had been yearning for.
"Doctor?" She exclaimed frantically as she spun her head around. They were both filled with so many mixed emotions. Y/N's head was swarmed with the past memories they had together, all the calm and content moments, all the belly-laughs and shared smiles. But, with those memories, came the memory of that night.

"For God's sake, Y/N! What were you thinking?" He roared, slamming the TARDIS door behind him.
"I was just trying to help, Doctor, what do you expect me to do?" She didn't know wether to be fearful or to replicate his anger.
"I expect you to stay out of harm's way! You put yourself up for sacrifice in the face of the daleks, and without me getting involved and stopping the emperor, you wouldn't have a head! Not that you ever use yours, anyway." He scowled. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed immediately as she scoffed in protest.
"Are you saying I'm stupid?" she questioned, crossing her arms.
"I'm surprised you figured it out so quickly. Not only stupid, but you're irresponsible! You're careless! I just wish you would think before you act, that's all!" He looked as though his head could blow off. She'd never seen him so angry. He didn't realise he was doing it, but every syllable was like a tear in her heart.
"I just wanted to do something useful!" She just managed to choke out her words, but her hiccups caught her tongue.
"What, and risk getting killed?" He spat his words at her like darts, before he fell silent and mumbled the worst thing he had ever said to her. "Rose would've never done that." That's when the quick breath silenced and came to a halt. His head cleared and his face dropped as he swiftly turned to look her in the eyes. He could barely see them. They were tinted with floods of tears, as she looked at him with a destroyed expression.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, it was-"
"Save it, Doctor." Her lips quivered as she tried to get words out of them. The tension in the TARDIS was suffocating. "I might not be perfect. I might not be a genius, I might be impulsive, and sometimes I don't think things through. But I'm still a good person. All this time, you've told me that you loved me. You've just used me as a replacement for your precious, perfect Rose. Take me home."
"Please listen to-"
"Take me home. Now." Even with all the tragedy he had been through, the Doctor had never felt so guilty in his long life. He solemnly pressed at the TARDIS buttons and looked at her one last time before pulling the lever. The second they had landed, she stormed out the door without saying a word. After the anger had settled down, both of them sat alone, and broke down.

She took one last moment to admire him before turning back around to face the water. It hurt too much to look at him. Although time had passed, those words still burned into her brain. That feeling of not being good enough re-emerged in the pit of her stomach. His desperation kicked in as he rushed over to her, standing next to her with his back against the railings so he could study her face.

"Please look at me. I know I ruined everything. And I can never apologise enough for what I said to you, but these past few months have been the most lonely months of my life. I can't live without you, Y/N. I love you." The tone his voice was meaningful and genuine. The two stood in silence as he scanned her lifeless, hung head.
"Did you mean it?"
"What?" the Doctor blurted out, and before he could answer, she spoke again.
"The things you said. About me being stupid. And irresponsible. And careless."
"Of course not! I was upset because I nearly lost you, it was never my intention to hurt you." He carefully brought his hand up to stroke her hair, and went to pull her into a well-missed hug before she stuck her hand out to stop him.

"And what about... Rose being better than me. Did you mean that? Was I right in saying that I was just a replacement? A rebound?" That quiver in her voice quickly returned. He hated seeing her like this, but it was all his fault. There was a pause. A long pause. That was enough for her. She gently pushed him away and began to leave, hanging her head low to hide her eyes.
"You are far more special than anyone else in the entire universe." She stopped in her tracks. His voice made her melt. "You are so knowledgeable, and your intelligence never fails to stun me. Your witty jokes always brighten my day. You're unbelievably kind, and loving, and on top of it all, I've never met someone with beauty like yours. The spark in your eyes when you speak of something you're passionate about. The scent of your hair when I hold you early in the morning. Every inch and curve of your body excites me, and I would give everything I have to see you smile again. Nobody can compare to you. Rose, and any of my past companions, don't even come close. I need you. Not anyone else. Only you."

He could barely finish his last sentence before she had flung her arms around him in a hungry kiss that was filled with pure love and passion, knocking the roses out of his hand. He managed to catch her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his lower waist, holding onto her so he could make sure that he would never lose her again. She had missed his taste, and his smell, and how his hair felt intertwined with her fingers.

Now that they were reunited, the city felt full of life and colour.

The universe, in fact.

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