Cold Tea

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Y/N carefully balanced a tray of three mugs of tea between her hands, walking into the control room before setting it down and handing a cup to Donna, and then down to the Doctor who's sitting on the floor, fiddling away at some rather confusing-looking piece of technology. He looks up and takes the mug of your hands, "Ohh! Thank you so much, God I love you!" He exclaimed without thinking, carrying on with his work as if nothing had even happened.

Donna and Y/N looked at eachother in shock. The room fell eerily silent. The Doctor locked up with an embarassed face and quickly ran his mouth to explain himself.
"The tea! I meant i love the tea. I was speaking, well, to the tea." He blurts out, his eyes darting between the two girls and tugging on his right ear lobe.  Y/N simply stared at him, eyes wide, with a confused, reddened face. The silence seemed to last forever. It was... awkward, to say the least.

Donna didn't know where to look, so she panicked and tugged my her arm,
"Y/N, why don't you give me a hand to get some biscuits from the kitchen?" she asked, giving her the eyes that said 'COME WITH ME', without hesitation Y/N jumped up and ran off with Donna.

"Oh. My. God. Donna, what's gotten into him?" Y/N asked, still completely stunned from the conversation before.
"Are you thick or something?" Donna rolled her eyes at her, "He fancies you, you numpty! Both of you are just too bloody oblivious to stop and realise! Honestly, it's hard playing cupid, you know." Y/N scoffed and tried to play it off,
"Donna, you're off your head! He doesn't fancy me, and I don't fancy him. Just friends. That's all. End of." She cut off the conversation quickly and looked away, folding her arms and furrowing her eyebrow.

Donna let out a frustrated sigh, but tried her best to be understanding.
"Look, Y/N, I might not be an expert on love or anything, my ex-fiancé left me for a giant spider." They both giggled for a second before the serious tone kicked in again.
"He loves you, Y/N. He really does. The man has two hearts and BOTH want you. And I know a girl in love when i see one! I don't really get what you see in a skinny martian, but you need to face the music. You love him, don't you?" She tried her best to keep eye contact with Y/N, but she already had her face buried in her hands.

"Fine! I admit it!" She blurts, although the speech is muffled through her hands, "I love him to bits, Donna, of course I do!" She lifted her head from her hands but kept her eyes shut purely out of embarrassment.
"Y/N-" Donna tried to interrupt, but Y/N continued regardless.  "I've loved him since the second he laid his eyes on me. We've been together a long time, me and him, and he's showed me things I NEVER thought I would see. He opened my eyes, and I wish every day that I could tell him just how much i adore him, but even the thought itself terrifies me." "Y/N!" Donna hit her arm this time, and Y/N opened her eyes to the sympathetic face of Donna glaring back at her.
"What? Why'd you hit-" Y/N stopped mid sentence. She was just quickly glancing around the room when she noticed what Donna was desperately trying to tell her.

There he was. The Doctor. Standing there, wide eyed and opened mouthed. A bit flushed too. The pair locked eyes with eachother and felt both faces reddening, Completely frozen.
"Tell you what, rain check on the cup of tea, I'm going to... wash some clothes. I need to do my laundry." Donna blurted out, clearly desperate to leave the situation. She ran off, leaving the two awkwardly standing in the kitchen. Neither knew what to say. Or do.

"Doctor, I'm really, really sorry. It just all came out, I swear. Word sick. That's all, I just started and couldn't stop. I mean, yes, it was all true, but you weren't meant to know, you know, it was girly talk, and me and Donna were just talking about, well, how much i lov-"

Her sentence was cut short. The Doctor had launched himself from the door frame and grabbed her, their heads smacking together as he kissed her with all the passion he had running through his veins. His hand was running through her Y/H/C hair, and pushing her head towards his even further. His eyebrows furrowed one last time before he pulled away for breath. Y/N looked at him with no expression in her eyes.
"Sorry! Sorry I really, really shouldn't have done that. I just acted in the moment and-" She pressed her index finger against his lips to silence him. Pulling his face down by the grip she had in his hair, she slowly, gently pressed her lips against his. It was soft, and loving, and just purely innocent. She pulled away again, just the same way he did. Except she walked off, without even looking at him. His face grew muddled in confusion and love, but then again, he always hated not knowing what was going on.
"Come on, your tea's getting cold." She called back without even swivelling her head.

Donna walked back into the kitchen, a huge grin plastered across her face. She laughed right at the Doctor even though he was still completely baffled of what had just happened. "I love her, I really do." Donna shouted at him, still in fits of laughter over his face. "What a woman!"

part three done and dusted, not sure if i'm a fan of this one, but i hope you guys enjoy it!

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