Standing in the Moonlight

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Y/N's eyes flickered open gently, a sharp exhale escaping her lips. Her nose was tickled with the sweet smell of Delhi at night, her eyes softening as they focus on the soft silk sheets that covered her. Waking up more, she started to recall memories from the previous events.

The Doctor had surprised her the afternoon before, what she expected to be a usual comfy day on the TARDIS was spent relaxing in it's fabulous library, she spent a lot of time in there as it was jam packed with the most wonderful books from all over the universe and soft, old leather armchairs filled the room. Curled up with some book that was written in Gallifreyan, she didn't really understand it yet but it was still a beautiful language to read, she felt the spaceship land with a thump.

"Doctor?" She called out, a worried tone in case something was wrong, it often was when she was with him. "Don't worry!" He replied, his strong London accent nearing as he casually strolled down the hall, stopping at the library's door frame and leaning against it cooly. "I've got a surprise for you, missus." He admits, a chuffed grin crawling up on him. He looked odd. Her right eyebrow cocked suspiciously, shooting him an examining look.

"What do you mean?" She interrogated, looking his slender frame up and down. "Just come on! The whole point of a surprise is, you don't know what it is." He offered her his hand and tugged her out of the armchair, then he pulled off his patterned tie and stood behind her, wrapping it around her eyes and tying it firmly at the back. A smirk crept up on her, and she chuckled lightly. "What are you planning, mister? You're acting strange." "Just stop fretting and come along, Y/L/N."

Taking her hand in his again, she was lead around the TARDIS' twisty hallways carefully in case she bumped into anything. They paused at the wooden, creaky doors. "Are you ready?" He asked gleefully, clearly looking forward to what's next. "Hmm.. I suppose." She replied doubtfully. That's all he needed to hear.

Stepping out, her senses were heightened by the smell of fragrant spices and fresh fruit. All she could pay attention to was the sound of jingling bells and the shouts of salesmen on stalls. The Doctor pulled the tie off her eyes and she was stunned by the overwhelming colours and the sight of a community. "Y/N, Welcome to Delhi, 1914." His hands returned to his pockets as he closely watched her face, watching her expression warp into a lit up smile. "Doctor, I can't believe this! Oh my god, it's.. stunning! Thank you so much!" She squealed, jumping onto him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Come on, Don't you want to explore?" He winked at her and again grabbed her hand, pulling her through the bustling crowd to spend the afternoon in the street market.

They tried exotic dishes and bought antique souvenirs to take back home to Y/N's friends. With full bellies and permanent smiles, they strolled calmly through the Delhi night towards a hostel. They settled in a colourful room, it had a small, black fenced balcony to accompany it. And here she was, all caught up.

She had fully woken up after taking a minute to recall the mesmerising day before. Y/N sat up and noticed The Doctor leaning against the balcony, looking over the stunning view from the roof. She crawled out of bed and tip-toed towards the balcony, joining him and standing there. The sky was clear and all the stars were twinkly calmly. "Everything alright?" She whispered in a low tone, smiling contently up to look at him.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm perfect... Just was a bit too hot to sleep. It's mid-july, you see." He explained, he didn't look down at her, just allowed her to glance at him. His eyes were glued to the shimmering moon. "The moon's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" He commented, a midnight breeze comforting his face. "It's gorgeous. I can die happy." She shifted her hand and let her pinky touch his on the balcony, her heart warming with every second of the perfect moment. That moment really was perfect.

sorry if my history wasn't perfect, just had an idea and thought i would run with it :)

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