Chapter 2

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quick a/n
I never watched full LOH so bear with me with this chapter please

"Lanalee. Welcome to love or host!" Austin said as he said what we'll do today. "Lana are you ready to meet your contestants?" Austin asked me. I was pretty nervous. "Yes let's do this"

"Hey baby, I'm Sarah and I think I'm the perfect person for you so you better choose me."

"Hello, I'm Minx, I'm Irish and I think you're very pretty."

"Hi my name is Niki Nihachu, I have a cat and I would love to meet your kitty." Niki said calmly but I could hear the nervousness in her voice. She seemd very nice.

Everyone introduced themselves and we went on with the stream.

*time skip to 5 contestants left*

"Okay girls, we have 5 contestants left! That means my favorite question comes... Where would you take Lana on your first date" Austin asked and I knew this question will come sooner or later.

"I would take you to my humble home and we'll make a sex tape" Sarah said confidently. "Oh no, I don't like that idea. I'm sorry Sarah."

"I'd take you to the most expensive bar in Brighton" Minx and I laughed at her idea.

"I'd take you to some coffee shop and get to know you" This girl, Cara, said nicely but in my head I said to my self "I'm sorry but I don't drink coffee" Cara seemed very nice.

"I'd take you with me to get matching tattoos" Emma said with a smirk on their face "Oh I like that idea Emma" I smiled at them.

"I don't know if you'd like it but I'll take you on this beatiful field and we can pick up some flowers and have a picnic there." Niki smiled at the camera, it was very cute.

"Nihachu you're such a pick me girl!" "THEN FUCKING PICK HER SARAH. FUCKING PICK HER!" Minx shouted at Sarah. I was kinda proud of Minx for standing up for Niki. "Sarah I don't think it's appropriate to say something like that." I stepped in as well. "Oh come on, just look at her. She's faking her voice, she act so fucking shy. She's a pick me. End of the discussion."

"Okay lads, Lana is going to text me who is gonna get eliminated." It didn't even took ma that long to think of someone. "Lana is this your final answer?" "Yes, I'm 100% sure." "Lana chose on of you ladies. Minx, you're safe. Puffy and Emma, you're safe too. Niki... you're... I'm sorry Niki but.. you're safe don't worry. Which means that Sarah is eliminated! And Sarah chose HOST. SHE HOSTED YOU LANA!"

"How could you Sarah?" I laugheda little "Bye bye Sarah." And she's out..

*time skip for the final round*

After Sarah, Puffy and Minx got eliminated. Very sad I know.

"Okay lads now we're gonna get you to separate calls, who wants to go first?"

"Emma could you maybe go first, I need to use the bathroom." "Oh yea no problem."

"Alright Emma, Lana you have two minutes for your little date. Starting.. now!"

"So hi again Lana"
"Hi Emma how are you?"
"I'm good, do you have a passport?"
"I'm pretty sure I do"
"Okay so maybe we could like meet in LA and do some fun stuff, I'd buy you a ticket of course."
"Yea that seems cool, I've wanted to go to America for a while."
"Have you ever been to America?"
"Um yes I was in Florida with my mom when I was little."
"Oh Florida's cool."
"Yea it was very hot there."
"Hello ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting but the timer is up."

"Hi Niki!"
"Hello Lana, how are you? Did you have a good time?"
"Oh yes I had a great time only some part were a little bit chaotic and I'm doing good thank you for asking. How are you?"
"I'm well thanks. I have a question though, can I ask?"
"Of course Niki" you said with a smile as you looked at her.
"What's your favorite flower?"
"Ooh that's a good one, probably oxeye daisies."
"OMG I love daisies, they're so very pretty.. oh hello Zuko"
"Your cat is so cute"
"Thank you yours is too"
"We can like make them a play date"
"Oh yes. Where do you live?"
"I live in Brighton, what about you?"
"I live there too, how's that possible that we never met?"
"I don't kno-"
"Hello ladies, again the time is up"

"Lana. It's time to make your decision. Take your time"
"This is hard.." I said quietly

"Okay I think I have it.."
"Lana are you sure with the answer you sent to me?"
"Gosh Austin you make me rethink my whole life don't do that" I chuckled a little

"The winner of today's love or host is.... NIKI NIHACHU. Emma you're eliminated!"

"I'm so sorry Emma"
"No problem baby you're still my friend"


"Niki. Niki. Niki. Can I reveal what you chose? Because I'm gonna do it anyways."

"Niki Nihachu chose LOVE! LANA YOU WON LOVE OR HOST!"
"OH MY GOD THANK YOU! Thank you Austin for the opportunity to be here and thank you Niki for not hosting me."

Austin ended the stream and me and Niki logged into our new minecraft survival world.

How did you like this chapter? How was your day?
*BTW I've never watched full LOH stream I'm sorry if I missed some things, feel free to tell me what :)

Word count: 948 words

Cya in the next chapter :]

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