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"Heyo Foxy! How ya doin mate?" Bonnie greeted Foxy as he walked into Bonnie's bowling alley.

Foxy shrugged as he sauntered over to the counter.

"Oi something botherin you mate?"

"Aye, ye could say that" Foxy plopped himself at a bar stool and glared at the counter.

Bonnie's muave eyes scanned his Fox friend before him. Foxys gaze was unfocused staring at the counter, clearly having something on his mind. Well it was more than one thing, he had several things going through his head but you?

For some damn reason You were at the fore front of his thoughts and it pissed him off. He hated adult humans so why the hell didn't he hate you!? And why did he take the blame for something he didnt do and cover your lie for you? Why...

why in the world did he care about you?

Foxy smacked his face into the counter and groaned out his frustration, causing a few people to look at him.

He didn't give a single fuck, you were giving him a headache and he didn't know how to stop feeling so... conflicted?

"Oi mate, do you want to talk about it?" Bonnie asked, his accent causing some annoyance to Foxy.

"No..." the fox grumbled.

"Okay..." Bonnie tilted his head but turned around to walk away and prepare for the evening.

"It's just! Why is she affecting me so much!?" Foxy sneered lifting his head up to glare at his Rabbit friend.

"She? Roxy?" Bonnie raised a brow.

"No! Roxy, I like her. I've know that fer years, she be." an admirable look was in foxys eyes as he thought of Roxy, "she be the best. But no im not talking about her, I'm talking about the Pup!" Foxy paused a frown forming on his muzzle, "Lyric... actually I guess I should of said they, not she. Lyric is they..." he corrected himself through his little rant.

That just annoyed him too, he shouldn't Give a fuck about your feelings and pronouns dammit.

But...he did care. And he was worried about you..

"...well, do you perhaps like her- i mean them, the way you like Roxy?"

Foxy grimaced, "no way! I could never like a human..."

Again, foxy hated humans, they were gross, rude, selfish and stupid.

You weren't though... you smelled pretty, you were caring and kind and well... okay you were a bit dumb but it was kinda cute!

Oh god he thought you were cute. Foxys eyes went wide as he stared at the counter again questioning his sanity.

Bonnie watched the fox with amused eyes, "You sure about that mate? I mean, there's nothing wrong with it... not all humans are shit. Freddys human is a good human, ive heard Ember was pretty decent too."

Foxy stayed silent, mulling over Bonnie's words. Foxy then thought about you and the emotions you were burdening him with.

He shook his head, there's no way he could like a human. It was probably just his curiosity... yeah that's all.

These feelings were just him being curious.

"No, I don't like the Pup. Aye I admit theyre not a bad human, I'd even consider them friend but never would I like them romanrically."

Foxy forced this belief into his head, and pushed away the conflicting feelings he had for you.

"Alright buddy..." Bonnie chuckled not believing the fox for a second.

Foxy glared at him.

"I'm serious!"

Bonnie put his hands up defensively, "I never said you weren't mate!"

Foxy growled and opened his mouth to speak when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder.

He whipped his head around baring his teeth but the moment he saw your bright e/c eyes staring up at him his sneer softened to that of adoration and his eyepatch went up so he could give you all of his attention. In the process of this He completely brushed off Bonnie's existence as he focused on you, to bonnie this drastic change in Foxys demeanor at your presence made him smile.

The Fox was head over heels for this human, he may be in denial now but eventually he'd have to accept the truth.

"H-hi Foxy..." you smiled softly.

Normally you were never the one to approach him so you felt rather awkward. Not to mention you'd looked for this dude everywhere.

"Aye hello there Pup.."

"Can uhm... can I talk to you somewhere private please?" You asked him.

He didn't hesitate in standing up and motioning for you to lead the way.

As he followed you off, the two of you could hear Bonnie burst into a fit of laughter. What an odd fellow, you thought.

Bitch, was foxys choice of word for Bonnie.

The two of you wound up in kids cove again, it was still empty but school would be over sooner enough and you knew kids cove would get full quickly.

"Aye so what's up pup?" Foxy asked his eyes on yours.

"W-well I wanted to thank you for earlier.... when you took the blame for my wound. I- I want to tell you guys the truth I do... Im just not ready and I'm sorry my cowardice got you and Roxy to fight..." you fidgeted with your fingers and looked down at your feet.

You waited for Foxy to respond, but all you received was silence.

"I-im sorry I'll go.." you turned to walk away but he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him.

Another hug.

"...don't be apologizin fer something I chose ta do. I know Roxy was just worried, she and I will be fine" you felt the vibrations from his chest as he spoke.

It was soothing... so was his hand caressing your hair.

Gah, he made you feel fuzzy....

"As for the thing ya be hidin?" He took a deep breath, "I understand Pup. As I said, if you ever be in danger, come straight here. I will keep ya safe I promise."

You felt tears sting your eyes but fought them off, "t-thank you Foxy..."

Foxy hummed and you felt him rest his muzzle on your head.

He's become quiet a comfrot for you in the short span of a couple days.

Holding you in his arms, his muzzle still resting on your head, Foxy frowned and stared off at the wall.

Maybe Bonnie was right...

Foxy hugged you tighter and closed his eyes.

ON HOLD! Melodies Of Three (Roxy x Reader x Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now