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Pin: how are you my baccha?...she asked excitedly entering into Anika's room for surprising her.

Ani: aunty you here...she said happily and got up to hug her.

Ani: how are you aunty?

Pin: i am toh totally good after all in few months my grandchild is coming, waise how are you? Does baby trouble allot? ...she asked.

Ani: baby doesn't troubles but his dad does...she uttered to herself.

Pin: did you said something?

Ani: nothing sit...tell me how suddenly you came?

Pin: can't i come to meet my daughter?

Ani: like that you can come anytime aunty...

Pin: where is Shivay?

Ani: don't know...may be in kitchen making some ghaas-phus for his baby....she said making faces.

Pin: i got it...why my daughter seems sad and look i came with the solution already...

Ani: solution?...she asked confusedly.

Pin: yess...a tasty take this aloo parathas made in homemade ghee along with little sour yoghurt...she said forwarding tiffin which she brought for Anika.

Ani: aunty you are the best...she chirped opening the tiffin.

Anika was about to have a bite when Shivay who entered just now snatched it from her hold.

Ani: what are you doing?

Shiv: you cannot have this...look its so unhealthy and oily for baby's health...

Ani: enough is the only word i am listening from last few months...i know i am pregnant...i know i am having your child in my womb but that doesn't mean you can rule me....i know how to take care of baby very well...just like how much it is important for you it is important for me too...but that doesn't mean i will forgot my own existence...i can't forgot my likes-dislikes...i know adjustment is needed in this time but...tell me the last time you cared only for me...tell me the last time you said i love you to me...tell me the last time you spent time with me without uttering the word you remember? No na?...because Shivay Singh Oberoi have forgot Anika Trivedi' existence...her important in his life...she cried yelling on him.

No...don't touch me...every now and then you are just concern about baby once i only i used to be your entire world but now you have forgot me from your have forgotten your love for me because now this baby only matters you...have you look at om-gauri? They are expecting parents too but i never seen Om denying Gauri to do something...he never forces her for anything...he cares for her truly...he loves her more than baby...he handles her like glass doll...even from our parental class too every husbands keeps their wives like queen....but just keep refusing to do something i want...Anika don't eat this...Anika don't eat that...Anika sit like this...Anika stop watching TV...Anika don't use electronical idems...Anika drink milk...don't eat ice-creams...

Aunty can you believe your son didn't let me eat a scoop of ice-cream in these many months...i am really fed-up from him...i don't want to live in his cage anymore...she cried.

Shiv: where are you going?...he asked being scared of loosing her again.

Ani: for getting some fresh air...if you say i won't go...she hicupped.

Pin: no...he won't say anything you can go...but be careful.

Anika went out keeping one hand on her belly for support.

Shiv: mom...i don't know what happened to her?, why she behaved so rudely with me? Did i went wrong somewhere in loving her? Does she felt somewhere that i can't be good father that's why she said all that?...he asked Pinky sitting beside her. His eyes watered he gets really very hurt with anika's behavior from last few days but he ignore her every tantrum and insult knowing he owe her every taunt but today his patience broke when she said he made her feel like bird captured in cage and want its freedom.

Pin: my have not done anything wrong. Yess...i agree you did mistake in starting when you asked a mother to abort her child but then you had your reasons also you rectified your every mistake by supporting her throughout her pregnancy...sometimes you behaved strict with her like a father does when its cared for her like a mother does with her became cook for fulfilled her wish when she craves for something which wasn't harmful for her health and most importantly you loved her like a life partner a husband love his pregnant wife.

Shiv: but then where i lack?

Pin: Anika doesn't meant anything from what she said its just that somewhere she grown more possessive for you and when possessiveness increases simultaneously insecurity also increases.

Shiv: that means she is insecure? With whom?

Pin: with her own baby.

Shiv: from our baby? How can she?you are mistaken mom...he asked confusingly.

Pin: no i'm not...see Shivay being pregnant is not easy for any female...there are lots of changes undergoes in her body which she handles but then her mind starts reacting of now Anika is at that same point where she is feeling insecure its not totally hers fault but its not even yours too.

Do you remember when was the last time in past few months you told her how important she is for you?...he becomes silent indeed he somewhere forgotten that one need to show their love.

Pin: Did you talked just with her excluding any baby talks? can he do that he totally taken her for granted he knows why she started behaving strange with him.

Pin: leave about all this...tell me why you didn't let her eat what she craved?

Shiv: mom...i tried fulfilling her every craving but then when she asks for something unhealthy i straight away denies her not just for baby's health but also for her good...if she maintains her health properly she won't be having any complication during delivery.

Pin: i understand that beta...but she have turned more possessive for you and now she is feeling like you aren't giving her any attention so make her understand your point of view but patiently okay?

Shivay nodded in agreement.

Precap: a sweet surprise for Anika.



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