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Shivay was sitting beside Anika, caressing her hairs...his eyes continuously flowing with he drowned in the pool of guilt.

Anika blinked her eyes sometime later before opening them fully...she tried to sit.

Ani: ahh...she winced feeling pain gaining Shivay's attention.

He quickly grabbed her hands and made her sit.

Shiv: Ani...i know i was at fault but please...he stopped in middle when she stand up from bed with shaky legs, moving to wardrobe she took her bag out and start stuffing her clothes in it...making him confused.

Shiv: are not well love, i know you are angry on me but think from my prospective once...he walked towards her and grabbed her shoulder...she jerk his hand angrily.

Ani: this is your problem...this is your problem are just concerned about are so much self obsessed...your business... your relation...your love...everything is only belongs to you...where am i in this relation?...she shouted with continuous tears.

Shiv: don't shout Ani...your health will get worse...he said with concern.

Ani: don't show me your fake concern, or it isn't concern its just that Shivay Singh Oberoi cannot stand with someone other than him shouting...she gave him piercing glare.

Shiv: i am not faking Ani...i am really worried for you.

Ani: are really...when was your's this concern when i was pleading you let me take rest...where was it damn it?

Shiv: i was so angry know you are the only person whom i can claim mine, but you weren't giving me any attention from past few days, trust me love it was my insecurities.

Ani: you don't talk about trusty things when you haven't trusted me... seriously you think i can..i can cheat you...i can crossed my limits...leave about trust on me at least you should had trusted on your love for me.

Shiv: know na i am short tempered...she cuts him.

Ani: so what if you are? Can't you change it? or am i your punching bag whom you can punch whenever you want? I am so done with you...saying she grabbed her bag and start walking towards door.

Shiv: where are you going?

Ani: you only said its your house, you can kick me out of it whenever you want so before you want to do so i myself leaving you, your house, your business...this relation...i am leaving everything with the little self respect which is remaining in me.

Shiv: can't leave me like this...he shouted while following her with difficulties as its still paining him to walk on his feet.

Ani: why i can't?

Shiv: we love each other least for sake of our relation don't leave.

Ani: what love? Which love? Let me give you reality check Mr.Oberoi...i wasn't your love...i was your obsession whom you wanted in your bed by hook or crook.

Shiv: Ani please...he said keeping his hands on ears to prevent himself from listening more hard words from her.

Ani: truth is always better...waise why you still want me? Haven't your huger satisfied by fucking me for five damn years?

Shiv: for god sake Ani...i can't take it more.

Ani: don't worry Mr.Oberoi...soon you will get another Anika whom you can use for your satisfaction for pleasuring can make her yours by taking opportunity of her bad faith...i can say you will get more varieties and as i am leaving can do whatever you can use girls like tissue no one will stop you from now onwards....she said giving him tight smile.

Shiv: you know Anika what you matters to me.

Ani: its so late to make me remember these i won't used me i some toy for you whom you can use when you are angry or horny...i am girl...i am human just like others who too needs some respect but with you i didn't get it...i know i won't be getting it in future too...saying she grabbed her bag again and start dragging it towards main door.

Shiv: Ani i am warning you for last time don't cross this door or else...

Ani: or else what will you do Mr.Oberoi? Will beat me or will kill me?....she snapped back.

Shiv: how do you think i will beat you? i can't even imagine to harm you in my dreams leave about reality.

Anika ignoring him continued to walk out, when he went to kitchen and grabbed sharpen knife.

Shiv: if you put one foot more, i swear i will cut my wrist....he threatens her as he is so blind for her that he had no come back...he have lost the ability to think sanely.

Ani: i know you won't put your life at love yourself so much, you can't love anyone...saying she was about to turn but he tightly pressed knife into his wrist making her widen her eyes.

Leaving everything behind she ran towards him, throwing knife that he was holding she made him sit on sofa and quickly went to grab first-aid kit.

Ani: why did you do this? What if something happened to you?...she screamed with tears in her eyes but the difference is earlier her tears was for her self respect and now it is for the man she loves.

Shiv: i have died without you or may be lived as live corpse so it was better for me to end my life before you leave me...he said snatching his hand on which she was dressing.

Ani: why are you behaving like this? She asked teary eyed.

Shiv: because i can't imagine my life without you...your continuous ignorance had took toll over my mind, i started getting insecure...i know you will get someone more better than me but i won't get anyone rather this heart won't beat for anyone as you are only its winner...Shivay cannot breath without his Anika.

Ani: why are you so stubborn?

Shiv: i am not you are stubborn...i know i was at a fault, i shouldn't blamed you...i crossed my limits pointing on your character on your love for me...i know i am wrong but parting ways from me is not solution should have slapped me, you should had beat me unless i am on line...promise me you will not leave me in future too...if i behaved wrong with you just come to be slap me pull my hairs but won't choose to leave me ever...he said crying.

Ani: i myself can't imagine life without you Shivay....she cried in his embrace as he pulled her in hug.

Shiv: i love you Anika...i love you so much promise me you won't leave me.

Ani: i promise i won't and i love you too Shivay.

Both consoled each other before Shivay carrying Anika to their room that's when reality strike Anika.

Ani: Shivay...Shivay you walked on your legs...she asked being surprised with shock.

Shiv: you were laying unconscious in front of me...your heartbeats fasten, your pulse were dropping...i was dying in every second looking you at that condition, no one was there to help me with you think i can sit quietly letting whatever happens with you....he whimpered like a kid making her smile.

She pulled him to her happily.

Ani: my adorable bagad billa...saying she pampered lots of kisses on every inch of his face while he let her love him till her heart feel.

Moving away she glanced at his lips and place her lips on his taking him deep kiss showing her anger and love to him.

Parting away from kiss she started opening her buttons but before she open his shirt fully he hold her hands while she gave him confused look, he chuckled before answering her.

Shiv: we can't move further love you are on your periods.

Ani: shitt...Anika looks down being embarrassed on her over desperateness.

Shiv: for now you sit here i arrange your dinner after that you have to take medicines too...he said kissing her forehead.

Precap: Shivay in memory lane of their first baby with their consoling love making.



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