She payed for the shoes, confronted none other than the infamous Yeonjun. She thanked him for the wonderful purchased and asked to have the shoes wrapped inside a box that had a beautiful bow on it. She held onto it personally,wanting to keep it safe within her reach.

The sight enraged Ryujin just as Yeji and Yeseul were on their way out she went up to Yeji and grabbed the back of her head,gripping on her delicate hair.

"LET GO!!" Yeji shouted in unbelievable pain,as she dropped her box of shoes.

"No you better give me those shoes.!! What? Your father will have my family killed? How about I kill you right here right now?!" Ryujin tightened her grip even more in a fit of fury.

Yeji got a hold of her hand and decided to pull on Ryujin's hair too. "Let go!" Ryujin now also yelled in pain. "No you let go!" Yeji kept on insisting.

They went on with it for many moments,causing a huge scene in which all the noble ladies and even noble men decided to tune in for.

"Ladies,ladies!! Let go of eachother's hair at once!" Yeonjun also yelled,trying to not destroy the reputation of his shop. But the two didnt decide to stop any time soon.


"Hmm which restaurant should I eat at today?" Sunoo talked to himself as he walked down the streets of the capital.

Just then,he had heard screaming from one the shops. He immediately went over like a curious fox, he raised his head up high to see the name of the shop.

Yeonjun Hyung's shoes that are as pretty as him.

"Yah isn't Yeonjun Hyung's shop?!" He covered his own mouth in surprise." Eh why- oh no seems like there's ruckus going
on." He bit his lower lip,worried about his hyung who is probably stressed right now.

He ran inside,bumping into all the people who were also watching like they were nothing but blocks of sand.


As he raced towards both of them he recognized Yeji,as they are acquaintances and knowing her well he knew she wouldnt start a fight like this any day and decided to bump into Ryujin instead, making her let go of Yeji's hair.

Ryujin plopped unto the floor,good thing her thick dress saved her fall. "Yah! How dare you?!" Ryujin yelled at Sunoo's face,but his sassiness couldn't possibly accept such insolence.

"How dare me? I dont even know you! Im the son of the Duke of Pocketz!" Sunoo exclaimed. This made Ryujin quiet,knowing that his father was a very influential person. She just rushed out of the store.

"Thankyou for helping me ." Yeji thanked the younger. "Dont thank me I was just helping Yeonjun Hyung."

The people surrounding the inside and outside had left after seeing the commotion die out. Sunoo and Yeji with Yeseul then proceeded to go outside so Yeji would go home and Sunoo could eat out.

Just then a couple of men who wore all black approached both of them, they grabbed Yeji by the arm. "Please come with us miss,its about your younger brother."

Yeji tossed around,trying to lessen their grip on her as Sunoo also tried to help her get out of their reach. "Wait Niki?!" She recalled them speaking of her younger brother. "Why did something happened? Isnt he at camp?" She asked them. "You'll have to come with us first." They insisted, they seemed somewhat suspicious.

"I'll come with you milady." Sunoo suggested,Yeji seemed to immediately believe them upon hearing about her brother,It would be preposterous to let two ladies go with mysterious men.

Yeji nodded at Sunoo,also a bit wary about where these men would take her,they didnt oppose about Sunoo coming along.


It was a quiet journey as they rode on the carriage with the two strange men who were both acting as the the coachmen. "Milady what if they take us somewhere strange?!" Yeseul whispered to Yeji. "They spoke of my brother as if he was somewhere I didnt know about." She replied.

"What if they lied milady?!" Yeseul got cold feet, worried for her and her lady's life. "Then we'll have to make a run for it."

Meanwhile Sunoo who was on the opposite side of the carriage also looked petrified.

I thought they'd get scare if I told them I would come,what if they rape men too?Sunoo's sweat dripped.

"Are you alright?" Yeji asked Sunoo upon noticing the visible amount of sweat that was dripping from his chin.

"Im quite alright milady." Sunoo replied quickly wiping of the sweat.

They arrived infront of a huge gate that seemed like it leaded to a secluded mansion somewhere.

The mysterious men then proceeded to open the carriage door letting all of them out. They then proceeded to open the huge gate to let them in,leading them to a garden in the mansion.

Yeji looked around at the mysterious place a bit calmer than earlier, thinking that no kidnapper would bring them to such a fancy area,well if you could call them kidnappers when she voluntarily went along.

From afar she saw two figures of two other men waiting at the end the garden,they were a bit too far for her to recognize,but the closer she got the more vivid the faces looked.

"Niki?! And Jay?!" She shouted, so surprised that what the men said had been true!

"WINDOW BOY?!" Sunoo also screamed on the other end as he saw young Niki standing beside his old classmates Jay.

Yeji and Sunoo looked eachother full of confusion.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" They both said in unison.


Guys this might be the longest chapter I've written so far!! Consisting of 1613 words! Please leave a vote and comment to show your support!<3

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