The Real Nessa

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Nessa's pov
So it's 12:00 in the morning and last morning I took Casper to the emergency vet. They wanted to keep him there overnight and it hurt my heart leaving him their. He was my childhood dog I couldn't lose him. Me and Cooper are laying in bed. I couldn't sleep so Cooper decided to stay up with me. I'm laying in his arms while he's rubbing my back trying to make me feel better.
I felt bad because it feels like my depression got worse since he's been in the vet and I'm not really eating. I can't my mind is to busy worrying about him. It hurts I hate it. I'm just happy Cooper understands and is here for me. I love him alot more than myself I can't even explain it. A couple minutes after that I got a call I decided to pick it up so I sat up Cooper sat up with me making sure I was okay. I grabbed my phone and hit answer
End of Nessa's pov

"Hello?" Nessa asks. "Umm so I was wondering if you mind getting over here and there's news about Casper." She says but sadly kind of. "Umm y-yeah I'm on my way." Nessa hangs up.

"Who was it?" Cooper asks tired. "The girl at the vet she has news about Casper." Nessa explains. Nessa gets up. "Wait umm can you go with me?" Nessa asks. "Yeah yeah definitely." Cooper gets up and gets dressed

Nessa's outfit



Nessa and Cooper get in the car and start driving to the vet. As soon as they pull into the driveway they run up to the door and check in to see Casper. As soon as they get the room Nessa sees tubes on him and a white thing on his neck (I don't know what it's called) with his eyes shut

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