x. cobra kai v. miyagi-do, the real-life.

Start from the beginning

"Get back in there!" Hawk pushed her back toward Tory, grinning.

Tory swung and swung, only to be blocked several times only to grab Sam and kneeing her a few times then throwing her against the locker. Tory tried elbowing her but Sam dodged it, then Tory head locked her before punching her in the side of her stomach until Robby jumped in and pushed Tory off to the side. "You ok?" He asked Sam.

Sam nodded.

Tory tried to pushed Robby to the side but Robby managed to slam her against the locker. "Stop!"

"Let her go!" One of cobra kai tried lunging at him, only to be pushed back.

"Settle down! I'm sure we can figure this——" Robby was tackled to the ground by Miguel.

"Hey, man, we gotta do something." Chris told Demetri who was lit up with an idea.

"Good idea, I'm gonna get a teacher." Demetri hurried off.

Chuck watched as Miguel and Robby fought before Hawk declared war, starting up a whole brawl.

"Well, well, well," Mason walked up to Chuck, grinning, "I don't see a pool around to save you now."

"You don't wanna do this." Chuck gave off a warning, backing up.

"Oh, yeah. I actually do."

Chuck took off his backpack, handing off to some random kid before getting in fighting position with Mason. "Then let's go!"

Mason threw the first punch which Chuck effortlessly caught it with his both hands then elbowed Mason on the side of his stomach with his right arms then shot it up to punch Mason back a few steps.

Chuck stepped forward, throwing a punch with the back of his arms at Mason which was successfully dodged by the enemy and resulted in him getting a kick to the stomach, knocked into the locker.

Mason then went to kick him again but Chuck rolled over, causing Mason to kick the locker. Then Chuck rolled back toward Mason, kicking him in the face then elbowed him into the locker.

"Cmon, guys! Stop fighting!" Aisha stood between the two group fighting (Tory&Sam, Chuck&Mason) but she was pushed up against the locker herself, "Oh, you want some of this?" She pushed him into the locker then gut punch him before grabbing his shirt and knocking him out to the ground.

After Robby throw Miguel into the locker, just a few feet away from them, Chuck is kicked into the locker,  but quickly recovered to throw punches at Mason's face, connecting them to both side of his face.

Chuck threw another hit but Mason caught it and delivered a punch of his own to Mason's stomach then strike his elbow across Chuck's face.

It left a bruise, that's all.

Chuck managed to push Mason back and grabbed his raise arm and twist it behind his back, getting behind Mason to kick him head first into the locker at the same time Sam is thrown into the locker.

Sam and Tory ended up leading the whole brawl to main part the school, where all the hallways started, where the most but lethal space was.

With Sam and Tory near the stairs, Robby and Miguel near the pole, left Mason and Chuck by the front entrance with other students.

Give 'Em Hell, Robby Keene. ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now