Hide 'n Seek

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"What?" Izuku asked as he slowly walked up to Bakugou. "Are you disappointed I'm not dead? That the 'swan dive' I had to take off the roof didn't kill me? Go figure, I'm so useless, can't even kill myself properly."

He chuckled as he was just a few steps away from his childhood friend, who was too shocked to do or say anything. "But I figured out that I am really good at killing other people, kacchan."

He flung his knife at the blonde-haired boy, grazing his cheek. 

This seemed to pull Katsuki out of his trance. "B-but you died" he whispered. He was freaking out for real. With every word his voice got louder and more panicked. 

"I saw your dead body!"

"Really? Did you check for a pulse?" Izuku asked as he was getting more and more angry, and a crazed look grew in his eyes. 

"Let me answer that for you. NO, you didn't! You didn't even try to save me, try to get me to recovery girl, you dumped me in a forest, yes, I know you did because the people who did help me told me that. But you know what? I'm glad you did because now I know people who do care for me, and I am finally free from all of you!

"Deku please, this isn't you!"

"This isn't me?" he asked, suddenly in a very calm tone, but the look in his eyes remained.
"And how would you know that? You were always too busy beating me into bloody pulp to get to know me."

The rest of the class was watching this all go off in the background, some where angry, most where shocked, until a certain brunette decided to open her mouth.

"How dare you speak to him like that? Why would he ever have wanted to get to know you? You are a filthy, quirkless, nobody!"

"Oh, how delightful! You blessed us with your presence." He replied sarcastically.
"But since I'm no longer a quirkless nobody, why not get to know me? And what better way to do so than with a game? How about.... Hide 'n Seek?"

"We are not playing with you villain!" Iida yelled and the rest of the class agreed.

"Well then, I'll kill every single one of the civilians here in this mall, how about that?"

This shut them up really quick.

"That's what I thought. Now the rules, everybody will go hide, and I will count till one hundred, In the end one person will die-"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by one of his classmates.

"Let me guess you will kill the loser?"

In an instant Deku was in front of them, pinning them against the wall, with a knife to the throat. "Let, me finish talking." He released them and walked to the middle of the mall again where a bench was standing on which he sat down. "The person who wins gets to choose who dies." And with that he started counting, giving the class no time to think about what he just said.

The class of hero's in training ran away, splitting up in tiny groups, all in different directions.

Two who were running away together where Bakugou and Kaminari.

"Is that really Deku?" The electrification user asked. "I don't know, but I do know that this is not the same Deku we knew before."

As they where running they passed the room for the security guards, the door was opened slightly. They looked at each other and then back at the room, they ran through the door and closed it behind them.

It was completely dark in there, they moved around to find the light switch. Eventually Katsuki found it and flicked the light on.

They looked around the room, both their gazed stopped at the dead body that was laying in a puddle of its own blood and the limp body of the other security guard. Kaminari threw up and they both ran out of the room.

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