III. First Attempt: Failed

Start from the beginning

Melinda did not fully like it, especially when Charles used it to get some extra free drinks or to get out of some tough situations. She found all those times to be childish behaviour. But at that moment, when the fate of the world was at Stake, she had to let him.


It took mere few hours to have a plan formed and execute. Getting a bunch of agents and the Coast Guard, our three mutant heroes and their human friend, were on top of the Coast Guard boat. They had tracked Shaw's fancy ship, parked close to the harbour of California.

It was night by the time they had arrived but they knew the man was there, Charles could sense him. The three mutants stood on the deck, glancing at the fancy ship as it got closer. They had yet to open their lights, wanting to catch the man off guard.

When it was time, bright lights fell upon the ship and the three figures on it. From the pictures on the files, Melinda could recognise the older man as he stood between his two companions. One was a beautiful blond woman and the other was a man of Hispanic origin. All three were mutants with their abilities.

"This is the US Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel" one man shouted from a giant speaker, as three different floating motorboats with soldiers were sent towards their target.

Suddenly, Melinda heard Charles' faint groan. With two fingers by his temple, his face did not hide the strain he put to keep his telepathic abilities going. However, that was not normal. Something was blocking him, or better say...someone.

"I have lost Shaw. I have lost Shaw" he repeated, irritation hearable in his voice.

"How?" Moira asked him.

"There must be another telepath on that ship" Melinda suddenly said, her eyes locked on the horizon. "Someone capable enough to block him"

She did not like how that sounded to them. They had never met another telepath before, and they did not expect to be one of such high calibre. To be able to block Charles completely, shielding Shaw, proved that person was far more trained than their still-learning mutant.

"This is incredible" Charles commented, placing both hands on the railing. "This is incredible. I can actually feel her in my mind. I am sorry"

"Block her then. Now it is not the time Charles" Melinda practically hissed, grabbing his upper arm.

Whoever that telepath woman was, if she could pick into his mind, she could get classified information and even their plans to stop Shaw. It was getting too dangerous.

"I am" he replied, leaving out a sigh. "I am sorry, it looks like I cannot be much of a help tonight. You are on your own"

Everyone watched as the male companion of Shaw stood close to the edge. In his hands, two small hurricanes seem to be forming at his command before he sent them straight at the incoming boats.

"Oh, gods" Melinda exclaimed, eyes wide open as she watched, helpless.

The wind turned the boats as if they were mere toys, flipping them upside down and throwing the men into the water. The winds continued, hitting their ship and almost making Charles fall from the railing if it wasn't for Melinda to grab him.

They wasted no time getting inside, for better cover, before something was to happen. However, midway on the steps, Charles grabbed his head. His sister was quick to rush to his side, placing her hands on top of his to help him ease the pain.

"What is it?" Moira asked, a worried look in her eyes.

"There is one of us, out there," Charles said, looking at Melinda in the eyes before the two of them sprinted up the stairs. "There"

My Second Chance (Erik Lensherr x OC)Where stories live. Discover now