Unveiling of the settings and Lead Characters

501 26 33

Playing: Finale (William Tell Overture)

Once upon a time, on a far off continent, there lay 2 empires bordered by a large forest. They reigned supreme over the lands and citizens they govern and excel on different aspects thus gaining recognition among other nations from outside the said continent. The two
Empire being narrated are namely Azalea and Larkspur.

  The two Empire being narrated are namely Azalea and Larkspur

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North of the border lies Azelea. A Queendom ruled by a sovereign widow following the passing of her late husband, the King a couple years back. It is a festive nation where music, dancing and other sounds and sights of pleasure is common to be witnessed and indulged. Flowers are practically ubiquitous. Vast field of flowers of different types stretches for acres and acres of land not to mention bodies of water such as falls, lakes, rivers and brooks are to be found down the dells or on the lush forests and woodlands scattered all throughout the country. Contrary to its seemingly desirable façade, The politics of this nation is just as horrendous. The bigotry of the queen towards Feminism is beyond tolerable and is unfathomable to many. It is heavily practiced among the citizens and as a result has brought an array of opportunities awaiting women. As a women, you could be anything or anyone whom you wanted to be. You can work on stuffs people from other nations deemed as man's job like building infrastructures and such. With the surfeit of job opportunities for women, this has led to discriminations faced by men in this certain state. Job is scarce for them and it seems like the roles have switched from what seems to be the norms other countries has obliged to stick to. The dim light of the future for them has caused a number to resort into communism and rebellion in opposition to the regime.


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South forth of the border lies the Kingdom of Larkspur. This industrious country has excelled in producing and transporting goods to neighboring countries outside the continent. The shoreline is vast as it caters the needs of merchants for space to do what they're best at. An abundant amount of immigrants of different nationalities and races reside here due to the abundance of opportunities brought about by the fast-paced development of the said state. In contrast to the Azelea, Larkspur's places are more on the degraded and not well-maintained as smokes kept on departing from the chimneys of each infrastructures. Rubbish is ubiquitous and is certainly unpleasant if you compare it to the flower petals of Azalea. Although the lanes and slums of this state is untidy and unpleasant for all our senses, its contrast to the noble's residence is like rubbish to gold. The politics of this nation isn't really downright absurd as that of the Azalea as the only main
problem and probably one every nation has is corruption.

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