Going Back Home

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Honeycrisp ran back to her room. When she got there she flonts herself onto her bed crying Audrey came in after her

"Oh honey are you okay?" Then her phone rang Audrey went over picked it up and it was Honeycrisp sister applejack

"Uh honey." Audrey hands her phone honey picked it up

"Um hello?"

Honeycrisp the whole family can't wait to see you for family day and our first one since ya left

"Uh....." Applejack noticed something was wrong

Honeycrisp what's wrong

"I..... I'm coming home." That's shocked Audrey

Are you sure Honeycrisp?

"I wanna come home please." Applejack knew her sister was upset

Well don't worry little sister we'll be here when you get home

"Thanks applejack." She hanged up getting up and getting her bags out

"Honey you can't leave."

"I have no choice Audrey I can't stay here."

"Honeycrisp please."

"Audrey I'm pregnant!" That shocked Audrey

"I was waiting after the game to tell him but..." Honeycrisp tears up

"Just Audrey please." Audrey didn't want to let Honeycrisp go but she respected her best friend wishes

"Okay I'll help you pack." Honeycrisp hugged Audrey which she returned. Once she had everything packed Honeycrisp gave Audrey a last goodbye hug tearfully then got on the train and headed back home to equestria.

An Apple's JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon