𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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"Y/N, Y/N JACOBS", i hold my hand out to her. she doesn't shake back since she has her mouth wide open from shock. she doesn't answer for a good minute so i break the silence, "close your mouth princess."

she immediately closes her mouth and blushes like crazy, "oh- uh sorry."

"it's all good", she stares into my eyes and just like that random blue eyed girl in the hallway, i'm nervous by her gaze.

this is a new type of nervous though. the type of of nervous that makes your stomach do back flips, the type to make your knees weak.

"i forgot i didn't tell you my name. i'm maddy, maddy perez."

"nice to meet you maddy", i stick out my hand for the second time and she grabs it, shaking it lightly. her small hand fits perfectly in my large one.

"you going to the party tonight?", she asks me, trying to make small talk.

"mckay's party?", i question and she nods making me continue, "yeah, i'll be there."

"great, i was gonna be disappointed if you weren't."

"i mean i am nate's unknown sibling. i gotta make myself known", i say confidently.

"you might be unknown but you're definitely the hotter sibling", she flirts.

"aren't you nate's girlfriend?", i ask her.

"we're on and off", she smiles, showing off her dimples.

"so which side of the light switch are y'all on now?"

"we're not together as of this moment", she says before touching my cheek softly.

she then does the unexpected. she gets on her tippy toes and leans up to kiss my cheek which causes me to smirk.

her hand leaves my cheek as she walks away, "bye jacobs!"


shortly after maddy left, nate and mckay came out of the school building.

we then got in the car and went to the gas station where nate discreetly takes something from a dude with an orange beard.

on the way back to the car, he notices this girl with brown curly hair and smirks.

he gets back in the car and starts it again. he goes to leave but not before he ends up speaking to the girl.

"anything for rue!", he laughs, driving off.

i ignore it this time but if he does something else ignorant, i'm stepping in.

on the way to mckay's house to get ready for the party, we spot a girl with long blonde hair riding a bicycle.

different from the girl i saw earlier in the hallway, this one had a unique style. it's not something i would wear but if she likes it then i love it on her.

nate being the asshole though, had to ruin the moment by driving the girl off the road until she crashes into someone's front yard, laughing as we drove away.

"nate what the fuck man", i speak up with an annoyed tone.

"yeah bro, what was that back there?", mckay joins.

"guys chill, it wasn't that serious", nate rolls his eyes.

"you're lucky she didn't end up badly injured or you would be fucked", i tell him which makes him groan loudly.

"okay man, i get it. let's just get to this party."


skip forward at least a couple of hours and we're at mckay's house with a full blown party in the works.

me being the observer that i am decides to get a drink and look around. mainly looking for something to do but also looking for a certain brunette.

i might be nate's twin sister but i want maddy and my goal is to eventually make her mine. it all takes time though.

i walk into a room where people are dancing and in the crowd, i see my brother swapping tongues with another bitch.

gagging slightly, i walk to the other room where more people are only to find the brunette i was looking for grinding on some random ass dude.

are they trying to get back at each other or something?

i shake my head and decide to go out back to chill. minutes later, i see maddy stripping all her clothes other than her underwear and getting into the pool with the random dude. nate follows, keeping his distance from the two.

the pair start kissing before i overhear maddy say to him, "i want you fuck me right here, right now."

surely she's not serious. in a pool where multiple people are watching you. this has to be a joke.

i in fact learned she was indeed not joking when they started fucking in the pool.

that's the point where i decided i didn't wanna see anymore and went back inside to the kitchen to get another drink and maybe look for some bleach.

if anything i have yet to see, that had to be my thirteenth reason.

i step inside and see the same blonde haired girl from earlier just casually getting a drink.

i have yet to know her but i have a feeling we'll be great friends.

just then, nate walks in a makes a whole scene. he throws glasses, cups and full on drinks off the counter and tells everyone to get out.

he then pours himself a shot before downing it and taking a look around until one person in particular catches his eye.

he walks up to her, "who the fuck are you?"

the girl looks taken aback a little at his tone but nonetheless, she responds, "i'm jules."

"who invited you here jules?", he gets closer to her face.

she starts breathing heavier, speaking before she rudely gets cut off, "i'm a friend of-"

"a friend of who? i certainly don't know you", he cuts her off and takes a look around, "does anyone know who the fuck jules is?"

everyone shakes their heads, probably terrified of what might happen next.

"if someone doesn't find out who the fuck jules is, this bitch is gonna die", he threatens her, banging his fist on the kitchen counter.

i start to interfere but that's when jules quickly pulls out a knife and holds it up to him.

"you wanna fucking hurt me?!", she shouts out at him with the knife causing him to back away from her like a pussy.

"n-no no, of course not", he backs away cowardly.

"i will fucking kill you!", she says before slicing her arm which makes everyone watching the altercation gasp.

"what the fuck you crazy bitch!", nate practically bolts out of the kitchen which makes me laugh.

"that was badass", i say to the blonde haired girl who turns to me with the knife still in her hands, "woah, chill with that thing."

she drops it into the sink, letting out a giggle which makes me smile, "sorry about that, i'm jules."

"it's okay, i'm y/n and that asshole was my twin brother", i chuckle.

"nate jacobs has a twin?", she looks just as shocked as maddy did when she found out.

"in the flesh", i give her a smile.

"that's a surprise i totally wasn't expecting."

i look over at her still bleeding arm and cringe, "you should really get that cleaned up."

"yeah, you're right. it was nice meeting you though", she says before walking away.


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