Chapter XII

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We stop by my room and I quickly chuck on some clothes. Once clothed Oskar scooped me back up in his arms regardless of how much I told him that I was fine now. He insisted and eventually won. Oskar placed me on my feet before entering the kitchen. This time no one sat at the kitchen island but at the table instead. Quinn and his friends held light conversations with each other including Abel. Oskar disappeared behind me and came back with two more chairs. The chairs scrap against the hard wood floor as they all tried to make space for Oskar and me.

Oskar puts the chairs on one side of the table and we both slip on. I was across from Riley and Lucy, Egypt sat on my right while Ellis sat across from them. Abel was seated at the head of the table and Oskar on my left. Quinn chat quietly with Lucy while taking small bites of his food when he could.

"I cannot get over your cooking Abel, it always feels like I'm eating something the gods created." Egypt moaned with a smile on their face. Abel bows his head in acceptance of the compliment with hums of agreement are heard around the table. Every had taken they're own portions.

Just as I was about to grab the large spoon to start taking my own portion Oskar reached for it first and turned to me. "Let me." I pull my hand away and let Oskar collect food from the different pans.

He made sure to be cautious with the amount of food he placed on my plate but still added just that little bit more. "You could still do with a lot of filling." He says, I wasn't going to argue because I agree. I wasn't at a healthy weight and I knew that for sure. My ribs poked out quite and bit and my stomach had hollowed in just that little bit. Compared to when I first came to the house I would say I appear healthier than before.

The house was warm. The family and friends atmosphere made the weight on my shoulder lighten. It felt nice. So nice. I don't remember the last time I felt like this and I will admit that I worry I may be a burden on this beautiful family that they're created. They try their hardest to make sure I feel apart of all this but it often left me questioning whether they truly liked me or not.

I know Oskar told me that I'm welcome here and let me cry on his shoulder but this isn't my place to be. I'm a simple stranger that barged into their lives.

"Are you okay Ezra?" Egypt asks in concern. I snap up to meet their green eyes staring at me with worry. They'd known me less than three hours and they already worried about unnecessarily. Everyone was now staring at me, waiting for my answer.

I almost flinch when a gentle hand slides up my thigh and stops on top. I look over to Oskar. It felt like he was staring right through me. It left me feeling exposed, every secret and all my life details laid out on a pin board for police to investigate. Though hard to I pull away from his questioning gaze and back to Egypt.

"I'm fine, thank you." No one believed a single word out of my mouth but none of them continued to push it but went back to eating they're meals. I fucked up the atmosphere with my gloomy self. Now an awkward silence fell over the table.

I took a small bite of the steak Abel had cooked. It was hard to enjoy the food though when I could feel three pairs of concerned eyes drilling holes into my face. We all ate in the quiet and soon the table began to empty itself. Quinn's friends leaving first, Quinn included. Oskar finished ages ago but waits for me to finish mine. Abel doing the same, not leaving the table. Once all of Quinn and his friends disappear upstairs both males start to talk.

"Why did you lie?" Oskar demands, his eyebrows knit together. My body involuntarily flinches at his tone, he wasn't happy.

"I-I don't know."

Abel starts to talk, folding his arms over his chest, "We don't like lying in this house, we tell everything to each other in this household and hate being lied to. It leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings."

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