Chapter XI

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Abel sat in the corner flipping through a book, glasses sat on his nose while his eyes scanned the words on the pages. The glasses suited him in a cute way. The sun glowed against his skin creating a golden hue against his face. Specks of blue flicker in his grey eyes, his long eyelashes casted a shadow on his sharp cheekbones. He was beyond gorgeous.

"I can feel you staring again."

I flinched out of my state of trance and flicked my focus onto the ground as my face began to heat up.

"Ah! It looks like Oskar is back with Quinn and his friends." Abel stared out the window. I hurried to my feet and towards the window. Oskar stepped out of the car slowly looking dashingly handsome with his perfect black suit and ombre hair sleeked back. Quinn had the biggest smile on his face as he stumbled out of the car, four others exiting shortly afterwards.

Abel and I watch from the window as they disappear through the front door.

"Lets go down and greet out them." I nodded and smiled, brushing myself off. Once we exit Oskar's office the laughter fills the hallway leading towards the entrance of the house. I bring my nails up to my mouth and begin to chew them. It's been a while since I last talked to someone other than Oskar, Abel and Quinn.

"Calm down, everything will be fine and if it becomes too much just tell Oskar and maybe he'll bring you up to his office to answer some of the questions that you had earlier." Abel's gentle hands clasp my hands and pull them away from my mouth.

I hum in reply and let my hands fall to my side. Breathe Ezra, just breathe. We walked down the hall and down the stairs. Once we turn the corner into the loungeroom I spot four unfamiliar faces sitting and laughing on the couch while Quinn stands waving his hands around the air, telling a funny story.

Quinn's eyes light up when they spot Abel and I entering the room. All his friends turn towards Abel and I all eyes on us. I shrink back behind Abel, stopping myself from sprinting out of the room and hiding under the sheets in my cosy bed back upstairs.

"Hey Ezra, I'd like you to meet all my friends." Quinns eyes sparkle as he begins to introduce every one of them.

"This is Lucy, she's openly lesbian and beside her is her girlfriend Riley." Lucy nods her head while Riley gives a shy wave and whispers a quiet hi.

"Then there's Egypt, they're non binary so please use they them pronouns when addressing them." Egypt smiles kindly.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you I'm Egypt." They hold out they're hand which I cautiously take. They firmly shake my hand and laugh. "You're a little cutie aren't you."

I step close to Abel's side and tuck my red face against his arm. "Nice to meet you too." I whisper and nod.

"And finally there's Ellis, he's our token straight of the group."

"Hey asshole." Ellis turns back to Quinn and gently slaps his arm. Ellis grumbles in fake annoyance while the others laugh happily. They're laughter filling the room.

Riley quietly chuckles a shy smile on her face that she covers with her hands. Lucy bumps shoulders with Ellis. Soon enough the room falls quiet and the laughter is replaced with light chatter.

Abel wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer as he leans down and whispers in my ear.

"Oskar looks bored, did you want to take him up to his office and see if he's alright to explain everything in more detail?" I nod my head and shuffle over to Oskar. I tug at his sleeve; he slowly turns towards me.

"What's up little one?" I blush at the nickname and cast my eyes down.

"I- I um, I was wondering if you could please explain to me about BDSM? Abel gave me a rundown but I don't quite understand everything, he told me to ask you." Butterflies flittered around in my stomach when a hand gently strokes under my chin and tugs my head up.

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