Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- The Death is always in the near

The years passed and Catherine became more and more beautiful. The former love that she used to show openly, she hid more and more in the coldness of her heart from year to year. The fun-loving and honest woman she once was no longer existed. Her daughters turned into young pretty women, but they fell into greed, arrogance and egoism. All that mattered to them was their so-called beauty, the latest fashion and cosmetics. They did not possess any talent, they tried to become the most beautiful. But this was not cheap as. Catherine was forced to lay off more and more servants and sell parts of her property. There was only one way she could solve this problem; she must marry again. Her life had lost meaning for her, her only goals were to marry herself and her daughters as soon as possible. But what man wants a bitter and widowed woman?
One day, Lady Tremaine went to town to run some errands. Because of the lack of staff, she was forced to do most of the work herself. Her daughters were too fine to even think of helping their mother. Too absorbed in her thoughts, Catherine did not notice how her carriage began to jolt and the horse and carriage left the path. When she realized what was happening, she desperately tried to regain control of her horse. But it was too late. It was useless only God could save her from this situation. Anxiously, her grip on the horse's reins tightened. Far away from Catherine a loud foreign horse neigh sounded as well as a strange virgin female voice. The neighing grew louder and louder in Catherine's ears as did her cry for help.
A young woman with blond hair and a cheap-looking old dress rode beside Catherine's carriage, on a beautiful white horse. Which seemed nobler than any horse Lady Tremaine had ever laid eyes on. But she did not have much time for admiration. For a wheel came loose from the carriage and the chariot began to spin in a flash. The horse somehow detached for itself from the carriage and galloped off in the direction of the nearby forest. The blonde young woman quickly grabbed Catherine and pulled her onto her own horse. Still shocked Catherine is completely motionless, she almost fell from the noble horse, if the unknown woman had not pressed tightly to her. Spellbound with shock, Catherine clung as close as she could to the unknown woman while the young woman stroked Catherine's hair soothingly and tenderly. Slowly, her breathing calmed and she leaned against the young woman's figure at her touch.
After a few minutes of riding, the young woman stopped her horse when they arrived at a beautiful beach. Cautiously Catherine lifted her gaze and saw sky blue eyes like hers and full lips approaching her in wonder. The older woman turned her gaze, afraid of the loving and longing look of the younger woman, and now looked at the light blue waves of the sea and golden yellow sand of the beach. Meanwhile, the sun was already disappearing into the depths of the sea; as if the sun was peacefully falling asleep. Catherine had never been to this beautiful place, nor did she know the younger woman who saved her from death. She turned her head again to this young and strange looking woman as she noticed her breasts pressing more and more against her back. Most women of that time felt a strong aversion in such moments, if they occurred, and would never allow that kind of closeness in the first place. But not Catherine. Who, despite all her walls around her heart, still felt too strongly, in her opinion, emotions and a strange perhaps even magical connection. Not a word broke the silence of the two women. They probably didn't want to either. They lost themselves in their mutual closeness and the intimacy of this unique situation. Their eyes met again while their heads hesitantly approached each other. They lost themselves in the depth of the blue hue of each other's irises. Although they had known each other for less than an hour, they now felt the warmth of each other's breath on their rosy lips, which were now only a few millimeters apart. Their eyes now wandered to the fullness of their lips. Suddenly they both met in what was at first a hesitant kiss. It was more like a light velvet touch of lips. Neither knew who began, but soon the hesitant kiss turned into a seething passion. Faster and faster their lips pressed together and Catherine's hands now rested on the young woman's rosy cheeks while she opened the other's lips with her tongue. Soon it became a blazing battle for dominance. The young woman's breasts rubbed gently against Catherine's back and one hand hastily pulled down a piece of her dress. Until one of Catherine's breasts lay exposed. Carefully, 2 of the stranger's warm fingers rubbed over the aroused nipple and gently pulled and kneaded her breast. Again and again Catherine moaned into the kiss. Catherine interrupted him as she stroked her tongue over the soft skin of the stranger. The first direction was the young woman's chin. Just as Catherine was about to lick and suck on the stranger's neck, a loud whinny was heard from beneath them and the passionate kiss was jarringly interrupted. Their base began to jerk wildly and they realized what had happened. A dark blush formed in both their faces. Quickly Catherine straightened her dress and covered her still aroused nipples. With greatly dilated pupils, the stranger looked at her lips swollen by the many kisses. Catherine cleared her throat briefly, averted her eyes and she looked again as emotionally cold as at the beginning of the day. The sky had meanwhile taken on a color mix of many different purple colors and the sun had already almost completely disappeared from view. A few unpleasant seconds passed. Before Catherine could speak a single word, the stranger took the reins in her hands again and made the horse gallop.
After an hour of many unspoken words, both of them pass an unknown huge house. Catherine, due to the exhausting day, is already deep in sleep and does not notice where she was. The stranger carefully dismounted with Catherine in her arms and brought her inside the mansion.

The story of her second marriage is very well known. But what really happened. You will soon learn. But that is a story for another day.

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