Chapter 14 - tender for him

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The movement of Cheong-san's chest and his natural warmth silenced the screams in Su-hyeok's head. For once, rational thinking was achievable. He closed his eyes just to concentrate on the single sound of breathing. A hand found its way to his hair, and he sighed with content as it began to gently play with it. They were safe from the entire world.

A hesitant knock on the door made the two sit up, Cheong-san's arms holding Su-hyeok's waist.
"If either of you want ramyeon, there's some ready for you," the gentle voice of Cheongsan's mom called.
Cheong-san's arms dropped from Su-hyeok's waist, leaving him feeling cold and quite irritated at Mrs Lee for daring to break the physical contact that he thrived off.

He wasn't mad for long. The food made up for loss of the embrace. Of all Mrs Lee's talents, her cooking was certainly the one that Su-hyeok appreciated the most. He hadn't realised how hungry he was until the ramyeon was sat steaming in front of him. Even Cheong-san looked wary at the speed he'd eaten. With a mouth still full, Su-hyeok just shrugged, trying to smile without spitting everywhere. Cheong-san shook his head, smirking at his boyfriend.

Neither were particularly used to the term, even though they'd been dating for over a month. Whenever one referred to the other as his boyfriend, they would blush, not from embarrassment exactly, more from the sheer fondness they had for another. Their friends had begun to mock them slightly for it, though nothing was said with malice. Cheong-san and Su-hyeok just saved their insults for the perfect time, whereas the others dropped them in whenever they could – particularly Gyeong-su. That just made far more satisfying for the two when they delivered the most perfect insult, rendering Gyeong-su mute for the next twenty minutes.

By the time Cheong-san had finished, Mrs Lee was already trying to give Su-hyeok another bowl, which he politely denied. Continuously.
Cheong-san had to step in, and practically force the bowl out from his mother's hands and put it on the side. He discreetly shook his head as a way of apologising to Su-hyeok.


"We're, um," I begun, "Going to my room, to, uh...
Shit. I couldn't remember the lie I'd told them. My mind was collapsing into panic.
"Finish that homework."
The sound of Su-hyeok's voice brought me to reality. My Su-hyeok. I nodded vehemently to my parents as I grabbed Su-hyeok's wrist.
"Thank you," I whispered as I opened my bedroom door.
He snickered, pushing my back to actually enter the room.
"You owe me," he smirked, instantly looking far more comfortable as he flopped on the bed.
I felt a deep-rooted yearning for him, which I could no longer ignore.


Cheong-san joined me on the bed. His hand crawled up to my lower thigh. Oh shit. My mind was screaming at me to kiss him.
He doesn't really like you. You're always going to want more than he can ever give back.
"Fuck off," I growled, smashing my mouth against Cheong-san's.
He yelped slightly as my cold hands grabbed his neck and my legs held his waist.
"S-su! Su-h-hyeok!"
I pulled back, eyes widening, "Did I hurt you?"
"Who were telling to fuck off?" Cheong-san's face mirrored that of an abandoned puppy.
Shit. I'd hurt him.
"Not you, of course not you. The, uh, thoughts," I scratched the back of my neck.
His face lifted into a smile, which soon developed into a smirk as he crept closer to me, his hands pushing my chest slightly.
"That means I can do this then, doesn't it?"
Oh fuck. I felt the redness seep across my face from the moment he leaned over me, took my chin – his fingers probably leaving marks – and held me there for a few moments, just staring, passion almost seeping out of his dark eyes. I wasn't standing, or even sitting anymore, but my legs felt weak.
"You said I owe you, so here I am, paying my debt."

I was starting to question if I was actually alive and not in some kind of heaven. His lips pressed against mine. I had to pinch my leg to stop myself from making any noises, especially when Cheong-san's parents were in the room next door.
"Angel," he hissed into the kiss.
I didn't know it was possible for me to love Cheong-san anymore than I already had done before that moment, but I found myself doing so. If this was what living at Cheong-san's house was like, then I had no complaints.


I hadn't imagined things going like this, but I loved it. I pulled back to admire the scene – Su-hyeok was flushed, looking perfectly seraphic. I didn't even acknowledge his hands on my waist until we flipped, so that my back was against the mattress. He licked his lips and slammed them against mine.

I groaned – loudly. Su-hyeok hovered over me, a grin forming. I was sure my parents would have heard, so quickly tried to push him off, but his arm strength was too much for my weak attempts, and he stayed perfectly still, glancing at the door, just listening. There was no movement from the next room – thank fuck.
But just in case, "I can't believe that question was that obvious! Why do they always word them like they're difficult?" 
Su-hyeok's eyes narrowed like I'd gone insane. After a few minutes he seemed to remember the lie about homework and winked at me.
"Yeah, they always look so hard."
I could have punched him.
"I hate you," I hissed.
In return, he kissed my forehead, and sat up, rubbing his arms.
"Do they hurt?"
Su-hyeok nodded.
He raised an eyebrow, a grin extending across his face.


He thought he was so funny. Cheong-san probably thought the same about me, and he'd be right. My arms truly did hurt from holding myself above Cheong-san for a few minutes, and him trying to push me off, but the pain was worth it. I was grateful that his parents hadn't walked in as it would be me toppling to the floor – again. It wasn't like we'd done anything bad, but neither of us were ready to tell Cheong-san's parents about us.

Cheong-san eventually gave up pretending to be mad with me, so with genuine concern in his eyes, he stood and walked over to me, taking my right arm first.
"You're okay, right?"
I sighed, shaking my head, unable to hide my amusement, "I don't think I am. You might just have to hold me to make it better."
"Su-hyeok... what the fuck is wrong with you?"
It wasn't exactly a question. He gave in anyway and hugged me from behind.
"Thank you," I blushed slightly.
"You're welcome, angel," I heard the smile in his voice.

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