Chapter 12 - leaving through agony

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Su-hyeok explained everything. He may have slightly regretted a couple of things, but mostly, he was proud. When he finished speaking, Cheong-san gently kissed his forehead.
"You're incredible," he looked up into Su-hyeok's eyes.
He glanced away for a moment, trying not to blush. Cheong-san took his chin and pulled his face towards his. There was love in that kiss, not that either of them realised. It was short but tender. When the pulled back, their foreheads touched and their arms held each other.
"You're amazing," Su-hyeok sighed, smiling.

He felt a wave of calmness wash over him. Despite nearly everything in his life collapsing into disaster, Cheong-san was his constant. He didn't have to worry about facing his mother because Cheong-san was letting him stay. He didn't have to worry about Gwi-nam coming back to school because Cheong-san would kill him if anything happened. He didn't have to worry about the repercussions of his meeting with the principal because Cheong-san told him that he was incredible.
The safety of being in Cheong-san's arms, although Su-hyeok was a good four inches taller than him, made time appear to stop, and everything bad thing become meaningless. Three words were stuck in his throat, out of of fear that it was too early in their relationship to say them. He chose the less daunting option to whisper,
"I like you."
"I like you too."


I wanted to tell him the truth. That I really thought it was love. But we were just kids, and love seemed... not right. Well, in my mind, it seemed the perfect and only explanation to how I felt with Cheong-san, but I knew that romantic relationships in school hardly ever lasted. I wanted ours to last. I needed it to. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him.
Don't you dare cry. You're pathetic.
The harshness of my own voice shocked me, except I wasn't speaking. Shit. I hadn't had a thought like this for a long time. That time had been the worst time of my life, and the thoughts removed nearly all emotion, leaving only anger. I tried not to listen and force a tear out. Nothing.

"Shi- yeah?"
"You zoned out for a second. Are you alright?"
I nodded, tightening my tie slightly.
"We can go home," Cheong-san reached out and loosened it again, "You'll strangle yourself if you tighten it too much."
Strangle. Remember? You nearly died. Wasn't that a fun day?
I blocked them out by smiling, "Your house then?"
He grinned and took my arm.


The walk from school to my house wasn't that long. Su-hyeok and I held hands all the way, until an old lady was walking in the opposite direction and we had to go single-file. At least she thanked us for doing so.
When we arrived home, I let Su-hyeok go in first. My parents wouldn't be home for a few hours, which gave me time to call my mom and ask if Su-hyeok could stay.
"Make yourself at home, I'll call my mom and make sure that she doesn't mind that you're staying. I'm sure she won't, and even if she does, you can hide in my room."
He flopped down on the sofa and raised an arm in what I supposed was a 'yeah sure'. His other arm was rubbing his eyes. I hadn't even thought about how tired he must be. It would be okay though, because now he was here with me.

I stepped into my bedroom, closing the door slightly as to not wake him. I rang my mom. After three rings, she picked up.
"Cheong-san, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You never ring me. Something must be wrong."
Actually I never rang anyone. Phone calls always caused unnecessary anxiety and stress.
"Nothing's wrong. I was just wondering if Su-hyeok could stay for a few days. He's, uh, sorting a few things out at home and needs a break, and I thought here would be the perfect place."
"Well... he likes chicken doesn't he?"
"Yes mom. So... can he stay?"
"I don't see why not."
"Thanks mom."
I hung up before she could talk about how much a wonderful time we would have, or something along those lines.

The soft sound of Su-hyeok's little snores made me smile as I entered the living room. He was sprawled out on the sofa, in one of the most uncomfortable sleeping positions I think I'd ever seen. He top half was laid on his back, but his legs were on a side, but crossed over one another. One arm was over his eyes, the other hanging over the back of the sofa. His tie was getting tangled around his neck, so as gently as I could, I began to remove it. The arm that had been on the back of the sofa grabbed me.
"Shit! Su-hyeok, you scared me."
"Not him."
I stared at him. His eyes were still closed, and though his voice was confident, it was sounded drowsy. He was asleep.
"Leave him out of this."
Fuck. That was what he'd said to Gwi-nam.
"I'm not gonna die."
That was new. His hand squeezed my arm harder.
"No, Cheong-san you fuck!"
"I'm here."
"Stop. Stop it. Stop dying. You're not dying. You can't. You can't just leave. Please. Don't."
"Su-hyeok," I shook him.
He screamed and sat up, panting, covered in sweat. Helplessly, he looked up at me, instantly wrapping himself around my waist, shaking.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm here."
My voice only seemed to upset him further, as the grip on my waist tightened. I managed to sit down on the sofa, and take Su-hyeok's head into my lap. His body was curled in the foetal position, hands holding mine.
"Tell me what happened," stroked his hair.


"You died," the image of Cheong-San's lifeless body was still etched in my mind, "It was the day of the fight. And you decided to be a fucking hero and punch Gwi-nam to get him to stop strangling me. And then he had a knife."
I choked on my words. He kissed my forehead. The motion of his hands in my hair helped me relax, and remind me that a dream really all it was.
"I watched him stab you. I was holding you as you died. You fought like hell though, still trying to stand up and throw a few punches. But then you really died. I thought I lost you. But you're here."
"I am."
I felt sleep drift over me.
"Go to sleep," he whispered.
"Stay with me."
"Always, angel."
I surrendered to sleep. The tender strokes of Cheong-San's fingers stayed with me like a guardian. I was free from nightmares.


A/N - over 2k views??? i-
oh my lord,, thank you SO much
also all your comments are just aaa
i smile so much reading them
oops im becoming soppy- i'll stop but thank you so much

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