Chapter 04 - reflecting the moonlight

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Cheong-san had successfully managed to sneak out of his house and was now waiting for Su-hyeok on the roof of the building. He was sat, hugging his knees, staring out across as much of Hyosan as he could see from the roof. It wasn't much of a view, but Cheong-san didn't care. He was just excited to see Su-hyeok. The sky was clear that night and all the stars were shining for them.


I thought it was the best place for us to meet. It was beautiful that night too. I checked my watch - Su-hyeok should be here soon.
I appreciated the quiet. The restaurant was always too loud when it needed not to be. My mom would run about telling me to get sweeping if I wasn't going to be helpful. Of course I loved her, but sometimes I think she forgot that I actually wanted a social life sometimes. I understood that she was busy, and also so overprotective of her only child, but it would be nice to go out without having to ask her and inform her where I was going. That was one reason I felt this night would be so special. I'd done something on my own accord without my mom trying to learn everything about what would go on, and of course, seeing Su-hyeok.

He'd been on my mind since I first met him. When I first heard his name, I went to stalk his Instagram account, and every post was perfect. I'd liked him since we first said hello, but I think I really developed feelings when he began to relax around me. For a while, it was steady, but then he became slightly distant, more shy, but it wasn't a dramatic a change as he'd gone through after his illness.

I supposed that in a way, the illness was a gift. Without it, I doubt either of us would have confessed, and I wouldn't be here now, waiting for him.

I checked my watch again. Two minutes.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket, flipping it around in my hands, wanting to call him. I had to remind myself not to be desperate. I missed him though.

God, I was clingy.
And we weren't even together yet.

I lifted my right hand to my head and slapped it several times. I was stupid.
"Don't be that person. Don't be clingy. You dumbfuck," I muttered.
I turned to face the source of the voice. It was him. I grinned, running over to hug him.


The impact of him wrapping his arms around me made me groan.
"H-hey, Cheong-san."
He squeezed tighter, cutting off my ability to breathe. I tapped his shoulder, signalling to my face to release me for a few seconds.
"I- I'm not going anywhere," I panted, smiling at him.
"Sorry," he kicked a stone, managing to get it off the roof.
"Don't be," I smiled, knowing I had to ask the inevitable, "Why did you want to meet anyway?"
He made eye contact. My heart sped up. I had to look away to ground myself.


Fuck. He looked so perfect. Like always. But the moonlight dancing on his face made him look like a literal angel.
"You're staring," he laughed, embarrassed.
I'd told myself not to be desperate but here I was, being just that.
"Sorry. Uh, I wanted to, uh, see you."
It wasn't a complete lie. I obviously wanted to see him, but I wanted to do more than look at him, because I did that anyway. I took his hand, gently tugging it, indicating for him to sit on the ledge with me.
"I've liked you for a long time, Su-hyeok," I began hesitantly.
He smiled at me, willing me to continue. Fuck. His lips were pulling me in, tempting me, but I didn't act.
"And I think I'm ready. I know I said earlier that I wanted time. But we've been waiting for so long. Well I think you have too. It, um, sounded like it. Anyway, Su-hyeok, I wanted to, uh, give you this," I searched in my pocket, and found what I wanted.
I put it in his hand.


I looked at what was in my hand. His nametag. I felt myself blushing.
"That makes it official. If you want to, I mean, I would like to..." Cheong-san's eyes dropped for a moment, before hastily making an unbroken eye contact, "Would you like to go out with me, Su-hyeok?"

Shit. He'd said it.
He'd said it!
I wanted to scream, and dance, and cry, in some sort of order, or, hell, all at the same time. He'd said it.
I couldn't stop smiling. Everything was turning out so, so excellent. And I hadn't ruined things.

I hadn't realised how long I'd been lost in my thoughts. I hadn't given an answer.
"Cheong-san, yes, you moron. Of course I do!"
It was my turn to constrict someone's breathing. I hugged him, squeezing tighter than I actually realised, causing Cheong-san to cough.
"Sorry," I laughed, still beaming with excitement.
He regained his breath, and stood up. He stook out his arm, which I took, and he pulled me up. There was hardly any space between us, and I could feel my heart skip several beats. Shit. He looks so good in the moonlight. I admired every single feature of his face, whilst embracing the silence and how close our bodies were. I loved every second.


I reached up, grasping his face, pulling it closer to mine. I stood on my toes to reach him. Slowly, I closed my eyes, leaning in even closer. Our lips touched. I heard Su-hyeok gasp, but relax into the kiss, his arms wrapping around my waist, my arms hanging loosely around his neck. We stayed like that for what seemed like an infinite number of years, all of which were perfect beyond perfect.

Angelic || suhyeok x cheongsan || aouad || ON HIATUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora