SML + SMG4 Revelations: Forest Behind The Gate!

Start from the beginning

Jeffy: What? I thought it was a football!

Marvin: It doesn't matter anymore. Just...go play with your friends.

Jeffy: Thanks daddy! Alright everyone! Who ever gets the ball last lose! Ready?

Junior: I'm ready!

Joseph: Me too!

Cody: What about me?

Chef Pee Pee went outside.

Chef Pee Pee: Hey Marvin.

Marvin: Oh, hey Chef Pee Pee!

Chef Pee Pee: Hey is that Junior over here?

Marvin: Yeah, Jeffy wants to play football with them, or a soccer ball I don't know.

Chef Pee Pee: Ooooh, but they're going to play without any adults looking for?

Marvin: That's right! What if Jeffy end up hurting one of them?

Chef Pee Pee: They're heading to the playground, let's go!

Marvin and Chef Pee Pee followed the kids to the playground.


The kids were kicking the ball around, that is until Joseph accidentally kicked the ball too hard and the ball went into a forest over the fence.

Junior: Damn, Joseph! You lost the ball!

Joseph: My bad!

Cody: It seems like it went into the forest when it went over the fence.

Junior: Why's there a fence over the forest entrance?

Cody: I don't know.

Jeffy: Hey guys! I found this sign here!

Junior: What does it say?

Cody: It said "Warning! You're about to enter the Forest Behind The Gate, where people get lost in. Please think wisely before you enter the forest!"

Joseph: So wait, people get lost in that forest?

Cody: Yeah, there's a lot of cases about this. Some people were either found alive or found dead in that forest.

Junior: That's scary! But we have to find that ball!

Cody: Junior, are you sure about this?

Jeffy: I wanna go!

Joseph: Me too!

Cody: *Sigh* Ok fine, let's go.

The kids opened the fence door and entered the Forest Behind the Gate. Marvin and Chef Pee Pee arrived at the playground.

Marvin: We're here! Where's the kids?

Chef Pee Pee saw the fence door being opened.

Chef Pee Pee: Oh no.

Marvin: What is it?

Chef Pee Pee: I think they went into the Forest Behind the Gate, this is where people got lost and died!

Marvin: Oh no! Jeffy! Hold on! I'm coming!

Chef Pee Pee: Wait for me!

Marvin and Chef Pee Pee entered the Forest Behind the Gate.

Forest Behind the Gate

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