The Prank: Aftermath

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"Remus! What the fuck?!" I walked into Remus' dorm to find him throwing things and screaming, clearly extremely upset about something. I walked over to him and put a hand on his arm. He turned to face me and I saw tears streaming down his face. I immediately softened my demeanor. "Hey, let's go somewhere else."

He put his head on my shoulder and sobbed. He took a few deep breaths. "Alright, ok."

"Let's go for a walk?"

"Yeah." He removed his head from my shoulder.

Walking around the grounds, Remus couldn't stop his tears. I did my best to comfort him. It was nearly nightfall before we thought about going back to the castle. It was clear Remus was avoiding going back inside for whatever reason. I eventually convinced him to sit down under a tree.

I conjured a blanket with my wand and laid it in the cold grass. I sat down and Remus followed, curling into a ball with his head in my lap. "What happened love?"

He didn't respond for a long time. "Sirius." He said, tears forming at his eyes again.

"Oh." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Remus shook his head, "not yet."

"Alright, I won't push. Just tell me when you're ready darling." I kissed his head.



Remus spent every spare second of the next two weeks with me. The library, meals, weekends, everything. But he still wouldn't tell me what happened. He was always so angry, always putting more force behind his magic then normal. He barely talked to James or Peter. Some days not even Lily could get to him.

I confronted him after dinner one evening. "Remus. You need to tell me what happened. It's been two weeks."

He pushed past me and tried to go down to the common room. But I stopped him. "You said you wouldn't push!" He growled.

"It's been two weeks. You can be angry and mean with me all you want but you're telling me what happened." I crossed my arms and sat on my bed, looking at him from across the dorm.

He glared at me. "Fine." He crossed the room in one long stride and sat next to me on my bed. "So, Sirius."

Remus went on to explain how Sirius had betrayed him on the night of the last full moon. It was awful. I didn't believe Sirius to be capable of something like that before Remus' tale.

I put my hands on his. "Oh Remus. I'm so sorry."

He hung his head, "yeah."

"You can keep staying here in my dorm, as long as you need. I wouldn't want to share a room with him either. After all that."


"Of course love." I sat back on the bed, resting my back on the headboard. Remus climbed into my lap and laid his head on my chest. I stroked his hair until he fell asleep.

Remus Lupin x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now