Anxiety and Boyfriends

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    I sat watching Remus. We were in the library, reading and doing homework by the window. The sunlight lit up his features and scars in the most perfect way. The way his brow furrowed when he was focused was so adorable. I don’t know how much longer I could keep my true feelings away from him. We were friends but I didn’t think he’d ever want anything more than that.

    Remus looked away from his books and smiled at me. He gathered his things into his school bag, “Hey, y/n, you ready to head to the Great Hall? Dinner is soon.”

    I came out of my trance-like state and replied quickly, “Yeah, wait for me? I'm gonna finish this last sentence real fast.”

    “Will do.” He smiled and gave me a sarcastic salute, turning towards the library entrance.

    I finished up my last sentence and gathered my things into my bag. I walked to the library entrance and found Remus leaning on the door frame, still waiting for me. I smiled at him and we began to walk towards the Great Hall. Most of the other kids were in the hallways trying to get to dinner as well, so there wasn’t much conversation between us.

    We arrived at the Great Hall a few minutes into dinner. Remus’ friends were sat at the Gryffindor table, probably planning an elaborate prank scheme. I said my goodbyes to Remus and sat with my best friends at the Slytherin table. I knew his friends didn’t like my house very much and they’ve had a rivalry going on for years but surely that couldn’t stop me from liking and being friends with Remus. I tried not to ponder on my thoughts and fantasies of the fair haired boy and focused instead on trying to laugh and joke with my friends.

    I headed to the Slytherin common room and went straight to my dorm. I didn’t feel like being around my fellow housemates. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that Remus only ever tolerated me since I was in Slytherin. We had complex conversations before but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. I didn’t want to be someone who he felt he just had to drag around. After hours of tossing and turning and constant anxiety about Remus, I decided to go for a walk. I walked through the deserted common room and made it into the dungeons. It was chilly and I suddenly regretted not bringing a jacket.

“No one could possibly be awake this late,” I muttered to myself, trying to calm my nerves about being out of bed past curfew. I was a pretty anxious person and needing a nighttime stroll about the castle did not help. I wandered up to the astronomy towers and settled in a seat, watching the stars. I thought I was alone until I heard someone’s footsteps. I didn’t know what I would say if it were a teacher or a prefect. I tried to hide myself quickly but it didn’t work because I heard a voice calling my name.

“Y/n! Y/n, why are you hiding?” It was Remus.

I didn't know what to do and stammered out, “I- I- um, sleep.” I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed nervously.

“Y/n, a full sentence please.” He teased

I was glad it was dark because my face instantly went red. “I couldn’t sleep, I needed a walk and so I ended up here.” I let out the breath I'd been holding.

“That's ok, I just saw you on my map and figured I’d come up here and chat. All my friends are sleeping.” He walked towards the banister and leaned forward, resting his arms.

“Why can’t you sleep?” My anxiety had mostly left me and I walked to his spot on the banister and leaned my back against it, looking at the boy's moonlit face. He was absolutely perfect as always.

“Eh, I don’t know, just restless I guess.” He replied shrugging. “What about you?”

“Anxiety.” I said simply.

“Oh,” Remus’ demeanor went completely soft, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not really…” I trailed off and started mumbling, “kinda had anxiety about you in the first place so…”

“Did I do something to upset or confuse you? I'm sorry.”

I relaxed again, “No, no Remus,” I put my hand on his arm, “I was just worried you only hung around me cause you thought you had to.'' I let my hand linger on his arm since he did not show any impression that he didn’t like the physical touch.

He turned and put his hands on my shoulders, “Why would you think that? I love hanging out with you, I just get embarrassed sometimes… that's all”

“You? Embarrassed?”

“Well, yeah y/n.” Remus took a deep breath, “Sometimes you just cloud up my thinking and make my brain go wild. You’re absolutely stunning and amazing. I just don’t think you feel the same way about me so I never said anything. Well until now that is.” He dropped his hands from my shoulders and stuffed them in his pockets, turning away from me to look at the stars again.

I don’t know what was going through my brain. It was like I wasn’t even in control of my thinking. I just reached up, turned his face towards mine and kissed him. He kissed back, grabbing my waist hesitantly. I broke away from the kiss.

“I’m sorry- I don’t know what I wa-.” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Remus had my lips locked with his again, arms wrapped around my waist. I instinctively kissed back and put my hands through his blonde curls, pulling him closer. He pushed my back against the wall, pressing our bodies together. He pulled away from my lips to press kisses and love bites to my neck. I tried not to let any sounds escape my mouth but it was becoming rather difficult. I gently pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

“We can’t just kiss like this. What does this even mean for us?”

He pulled his forehead away from mine, leaving his hands on my waist. “What do you want it to mean for us?”

“Well, I like you a lot. I have for a while and I wouldn’t mind if this means we’re together, like boyfriends.” I said, now more confident and sure of myself.

“I think I would like that too.” he kissed me again. This kiss was more gentle with not as much fervor.

“Boyfriends then.” I replied softly.

“Boyfriends. I like that.”

I cupped my hands around his face and he nuzzled his cheek into my hands. I kissed him softly then wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. He was so warm. I loved that about him. Everything about him was soft; his facial features, his lanky body, even his mysterious scars that littered his body.

“We should go back to bed, we won’t want to get caught by any prefects or teachers.”

“Yeah.” I kissed him again and we started towards the stairs.

“I’ll walk you to your common room.”



We arrived at the Slytherin door and Remus pulled me into a hug and kissed me goodnight. I said goodnight shyly then wandered into my dorm. No one was awake and I highly appreciated that fact. I didn’t want to explain where I'd been or why there were purple and red marks littering my neck and collarbones. I went to sleep peacefully, thinking of my boyfriend.

Remus Lupin x Male Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora