Dysphoria Days

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I woke up in Remus’ arms. I think we fell asleep together after the party in Gryffindor tower last night. There was always a party when we won a quidditch match but this party was extra special because we had just one the house quidditch cup. There was lots of firewhisky, snacks, and karaoke. I had a raging migraine but that wasn’t my only problem this morning. I had an immense amount of dysphoria. I just wanted to crawl out of my skin and cry. This was not going to be a good day. Thankfully it was a Sunday so I didn’t have classes.

Remus woke up to my quiet sobs. “Hey baby? Is everything ok?”

“No.” I continued to cry and curled into his chest.

“Is it the hangover or dysphoria?”

I didn’t say anything, just looked at him. But I could tell he knew it was the dyspohria. He always knew what was wrong. Sometimes I hated it because he knew when I was angry with him.

“It’s ok. C’mere.” He pulled me closer to his chest and rubbed my back.
I eventually crawled out of bed and went to breakfast. Remus didn’t follow me, he said he was going to take a shower and meet me at breakfast in a short while. When I got to the great hall, It felt like everyone was staring at me. I felt horrible. I just wanted to be away from everyone. Nobody should see me like this, when my body isn’t mine. I didn’t eat. I just sat with my head on the table. Remus eventually came to meet me in the great hall but he didn’t come from the direction of Gryffindor tower.

“What were you doing. It doesn’t even look like you showered.” I asked him, my voice hinted at annoyance.

“That’s because I didn’t. I was in the library. I was looking up spells to help you.” His voice was cheerful. I gave him an annoyed look. He just frowned at me. “Anyway, I found something that might help you. It's a chest binding spell. I’ve been doing some research since you came out to me…” He trailed off and looked at me. His excitement had fled from his face upon seeing my angry glare.

I came out to him almost six months ago. We were already together and I knew he was bisexual. I didn’t think he would want to stay with me. But he did and he made me feel so valid and loved. He talked to Dumbledore about getting switched to male dorms and made all of the teachers aware of my name and pronoun change. He helped me so much and stuck by my side. Now he had just done another thing to help me. I didn’t feel like I had done nearly enough in the relationship. Why would he even want to stay with me? I wasn't worth anything to him.

I know that having bad dysphoria days didn't help with my moods. I just let out a huff of air and put my hand down on the table, using it to push myself up and walk past my now upset boyfriend. I didn’t pay attention to see if he followed me. I walked with a quick pace back to Gryffindor tower. I went to the showers and turned the water on, not bothering to take my clothes off, I stood under the cold stream of water.

“Y/n! What are you doing?” Remus apparently had followed me. He looked worried.

“You don’t have to follow me around anymore. I don’t do enough for you and I can’t even be a proper boy. You don’t have to put up with my lousy ass anymore.”

He turned the water off. “I’m not fucking leaving you, now lets get you dried off. You’re freezing.”

He pulled me into his dorm and gave me a fluffy towel. I slowly started to pull my soaked clothes off of my disgusting body. I didn’t want Remus to see me. I wrapped my arms tightly around my chest before turning to take the towel from him. To my surprise, Remus was turned around, not looking at me. He had an arm holding the towel out to me but he wasn’t looking. I felt a rush of appreciation for him. I dried myself off and got into one of his big jumpers and a pair of sweats.

“I’m dressed now, you can turn around.” I made sure my voice was gentle and not abrasive.

Remus turned around and quickly swept me into a hug. My feet lifted off of the ground and I snuggled my face into his neck. “You can’t go doing dumb shit like that.” he whispered to me.

I started to cry. “I’m sorry. I just don’t feel like I'm enough for you. I don’t feel like a real boy sometimes and you’re always doing so many things to help me.”

He set me down on the edge of his bed then sat next to me. “That’s because I love you y/n. When the person you love is going through something, you do everything in your power to help them.” He looked down at me, “You help me after every full moon and stay with me in the hospital wing. We help each other. That’s how this works”

I just looked up at him. Why did he have to be so goddamn perfect? “I love you.” I climbed in his lap and put my arms around his neck. “I really do love you. And I'm sorry I was being mean to you this morning. I’m sorry.”

He titled my chin up so I was looking at him. “Hey, it’s ok. I get it.”

I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, pulling him close to me. “Do you still wanna help me with that chest binding spell?”

“Of course.” He smiled at me. “Stand in the middle of the room and put your arms out.”

I did as he told me then he muttered an incantation. I felt a tightness on my chest. I looked down and my chest was flat, magically binded to my chest. I took off Remus’ jumper and looked in the mirror. I looked as if I actually had a male chest. I put my hand on my chest and started to cry.

“Is everything ok? It worked exactly how it was supposed to.”

I turned and jumped into his arms. I plastered his face with kisses. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” I squealed.

Remus looked satisfied. I pushed him back down on the bed, straddling his waist. I kissed him passionately and he pulled my waist closer to his. He returned the kiss with just as much enthusiasm.

Remus Lupin x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now