After a while of searching for what tony told me as 'the perfect outfit'.

Presumably, i heard all the talking ( well shouting) and music blasting i sussed out that the party has already started so i guess thats my queue to take a quick shower and put my clothes on.







As i got out of the shower i heard a knock on the door.  Quickly drying myself with the towel i tosed a black flannel shirt over me and wrapped a towel over my lower half  nearly forgetting i shoved my black mask on and opened the door.

It was steve rogers himself at the door with his golden blonde wavy hair  as he tossed it around slightly. i looked down to inspect his clothes when  i saw him in a buttoned up shirt and tight black jeans on scratching his neck.

He continues to say " Hi Y/N Tony asked me to come get you as you're the "man of the hour" i still dont get that phrase, but he told me to come bring you down to the party. But i can see that your getting ready so ill be...on my way" As he turned around and shut the door i nodded.

"Okay, okay i got this just go down to the party and meet some people answer lokey questions only okay" i sighed as i put my pants on ready to leave my room.

/the outfit\:



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