•Reading between the lines•

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“Cold, isn’t it?”

You look up at the voice’s owner, only to catch a mixture of sympathy and a terribly smug I told you so on his pretty face.

Despite your scoff, you know he’s right, and so does he. The chilly autumn air was penetrating through the fabric of your coat, mercilessly tickling the skin underneath; feeling like an in between that’s neither as icy and cold as winter, nor as warm and friendly as summer. Regardless, it’s something that your boyfriend, whom your fingers are laced with, doesn’t seem to like.

“C'mere,” he finally grumbles, tugging you closer towards him. “Merlin, (y/n), couldn’t have underdressed more than this, could you?” he says bitterly, but his eyes display the complete opposite. You’ve learned to recognize the glint of affection in his orbs quite easily by now.

“I was in a hurry!” you exclaim with a wide grin that betrays your stern excuse. “And you don’t have to be so rude and mean about it.”

“Well, pardon me for being against the idea of my girlfriend freezing out in this weather. Now enough of that, give me your hands,” he orders, because the only other thing Draco would be against is the idea of arguing with you, especially when it’s over such trivial things. This was just his way of deflating the situation.

You eye him curiously as his hands rub into yours, enveloping them completely with his own. Then when he catches you staring, a small smirk finds its way onto his lips. Suddenly he’s lifting one of your hands to his face, holding it right under his mouth before placing a few soft breathy kisses there. Even with the fabric of your glove in between, you can still easily feel the warm contact of his lips.

You can’t tell whether it’s due to the cold air that a blush paints itself on Draco’s cheeks, but you decide not to think about it, because now you’re looking away to hide a blush of your own.

Both of you continue walking with hands still entwined, letting the air glide around your bodies softly. It’s a complete juxtaposition of the ecstatic impatience pulsing through your veins, all contained behind your soft smile that Draco doesn’t need to point out or question. He knows you’re excited, and he knows the reason perfectly well.

You’ve been giddy ever since he proposed taking you on a bookshop date. After all, it involved two of the things you loved most: Draco Malfoy, and your undying passion for reading. It was no secret how often Draco found you deeply engrossed in a book, without fail making him feel awestruck and simultaneously envious. Not that he would ever admit he got jealous over an inanimate object, of course, and least of all to you.

Deep down, Draco’s more than happy to see the joy in your eyes when you’re rereading one of your favorite books, or the cheerfulness in your smile after picking up a new one. He loves you and your hobby all the same.

When you finally make it to the bookshop, you practically have to hold back from stampeding directly into it, pursing your lips into a line to contain your enthusiasm. This, of course, doesn’t go without Draco’s notice, and you don’t mind the chuckle he sends your way. You’re far too occupied with the thought of gliding your fingers over the eclectic book collections.

He pulls you inside gently while eyeing your reaction the entire time, and frankly, he can’t help but melt at the way your eyes light up in childlike wonder, the way you take in the familiar scent of parchment, and the way you finally turn to him with an uncontainable grin.

“I have a proposal to make,” you announce, unaware of the way your grin makes his heart skip a bit.

“Should I be worried?” he smirks.
“We should pick a book for eachother!”

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