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Draco didn’t get crushes easily. As a matter of fact, he didn’t like many people. But, for you, he made an exception.

You two were rather close, despite you being a Gryffindor and him being a Slytherin. You met him on the Hogwarts train during your first year, and have been best friends ever since.

However, as the school years came and left, you also began to get close to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Which started to make Draco jealous.


Draco was completely head over heels for you, and every time he saw you with the trio, his blood would begin to boil.


The school day had finally come to an end, and you began making your way to the Gryffindor common room. Draco was about to try and catch up to you, until he saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione come and walk next to you. He slowed down, still watching you as you walked.  He saw you laughing and smiled to himself; he loved your smile the most.

"Hold on, I think I left my scarf in the courtyard,“ you groaned, stopping in your tracks.

"Alright, well, we’ll see you in the common room, then?” Hermione said, giving you a quick hug.

"Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit,“ you answered, returning the gesture. Draco was standing behind a pillar, watching it all happen.

"I’ll see you guys later,” you smiled, giving Ron a hug before going to hug Harry as well. When you hugged Harry, Draco swore he saw Harry hold onto you a second longer after you had pulled away, and began burning with envy, ironically wishing to be him at that moment.

As you and the trio both went your separate ways, Draco stepped out of the shadows, and pulled out his wand, pointing it towards Harry.

"Incarcerous,“ he mumbled.

As he spoke, you (unknowingly) walked in Draco’s line of fire. Suddenly, there was a spark; something had gone wrong.

Although he had said the spell correctly, his wand malfunctioned; you felt something quickly snaking around your waist, yanking you backwards, and colliding your body with another. You looked up to see a wide-eyed Draco.

"Draco?! What the hell?!” You shouted, trying to shimmy your way out of the restraints.

You were both tied up together in rather uncomfortable and awkward positions; your arms were pushed up against his chest whilst his were straight down by his sides.

Not to mention, how extremely close your faces were.

"That wasn’t meant to hit you,“ he said sheepishly, trying his best to avoid eye contact with you.

"Why were you even casting the spell in the first place?!” You yelled, anger filling your expression.

He was silent, still refusing to make eye contact.

"Bloody hell, Draco! Answer me!“

Still no answer.

You let out a heavy sigh. "Just get me out of this."

You both began trying to move around enough to loosen the ropes, but had no luck. The two of you stood in silence, trying to think of ways to get out.

"Draco?” You asked softly.


"Why is your heart beating so fast?” He finally looked down to gaze into your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows at you as his heart began beating faster.

"(Y/N), I-uh-have a confession,“ he said quietly,not breaking his gaze from you.

Now, your heart began racing.

"I’m in love with you,” he stated, staring intently into your eyes.

Your breath got caught in your throat as your jaw dropped slightly.

"I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I was just… Jealous…“ Draco confessed.

"Jealous? O-of what?"

"You’re always hanging out with those three; we’ve barely talked since you started talking to them! I just miss talking to you and hearing your laugh and…” He paused, gazing into your eyes once more.

"Seeing your face…“

Heat began to rise up your cheeks. "Why didn’t you say anything?"

"I just want you to be happy, (Y/N)… And, if your happy with Harry, then that’s okay,” he sighed.

You let out a laugh, causing Draco to give you a puzzled expression.

"You think I fancy Potter?“ You giggled again.

"You don’t?"

"No, I don’t fancy Harry, Draco. He’s just my friend."

Draco mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"But, there is someone else I like,” you grinned.

"What? Who?“ Draco asked quickly.

"Are you really that thick?” You laughed, staring into his ocean blue eyes.

His expression was blank before he finally got it and began to smirk.

He let out a chuckle and turned away.

"Seriously?“ He smiled, looking at you again.

"Yes, now are you gonna keep asking questions, or are you going to kiss me?” 

Draco smirked, and without hesitation, he pressed his lips against yours. He put all the passion he could into that kiss, seeing as he couldn’t hold you due to the ropes.

When you pulled away, you let out a soft laugh.

"So… How are we gonna get out of these?“ You asked, looking back up at him.

"Well, I’m not so sure I really want to get out now,” Draco winked, placing another kiss on your lips.

Hello guys 💓This is a Tumblr imagine,credits to the creator ❤️Also thanks for reads on intoxication of darkness 🥺🦋

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