Chapter 2

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If I wasn't mesmerised by what was in front of my I would have kissed the ground.

In front of me lied Vocans academy. I am the most mesmerised by the demons that are carved in the stone in front of me. It's beautiful.

"You'll get used to it." Lady Jones says.

I doubt that.

I take my few belongings out of the satchel that was attached to Sallisias saddle. A picture of me and my parents back in Raleighshire, my favourite dress, a few of my books that I have at home and a picture of me and my best friend Mara.

Seeing the picture of me and Mara a lot of memories of us  together slip into my head. Good ones and bad ones because Mara had hard time growing up. She had always felt herself less than others just because she's a dwarf and I always tried to convince her otherwise but I knew that it was some kind of fear that I didn't understand. It made me angry I didn't understand and couldn't help. My train of thoughts gets interrupted when a girl in servants clothing appears.

"Hello I'm Calpurnia. Please follow me, I will bring you to your chambers to drop off your luggage." She says gesturing to the satchel full of my belongings.

I let her guide me through a maze of corridors and stairs until we reach a hallway with on each side closed doors. Calpurnia walks straight to the only door that is still opened at the end of the corridor.

"This is your room, make yourself comfortable. I will be back in one hour." She says opening the door to reveal a medium sized room. I look around and I immediately notice the uniform that lies on the bed.

"Do I have to put on the uniform?" I ask Calpurnia.

"Yes, in one hour you will meet your sponsor and teacher and your fulfillment level will be measured."

"Meet my sponsor? Already?"

"Of course. The faster you get your demon, the faster you can start your training."

Calpurnia gives me one last nod before she turns around and walks away. I take in the room. Against the left wall stands a small bed with the uniform that lies on top of it. At the other side of the room stands a desk and wardrobe for my clothes. I put my dress inside the wardrobe and my books on the desk just as the pictures.

After that I put on the uniform and GOD does it feel good. The fabric feels soft and is much warmer as the clothes I had at home.

I let myself fall on the bed, even though I'm far from tired. I let myself fantasise about wat kind of demon I will get. Maybe it will be a deerish one like lady Jones or a canid. I know that one because back in Raleigshire I saw one. I asked my mom what it was and she said it was a canid. It looked like a dog but had two pairs of eyes. I'm going to be honest back then it looked pretty scary to me especially because this one had white fur, like snow. But now I would be happy with any demon.

Suddenly I hear a loud knock on my door. I get up and make my way to the door. I hear a few noises but they are muted by the door between us. I quickly open the door but as soon as I do, a girl falls at my feet. She quickly gets up but I notice she doesn't seem to feel good. She has blue eyes and brown hair. Not dark brown hair, like mine but very light brown hair and I notice she's wearing the same uniform as me.

"I am so sorry. I am feeling a bit sick after the flight to here. I was leaning on the door because I felt myself get a bit dizzy. Sorry I didn't realise there might be someone in here." She says.

"It doesn't matter, I understand." I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Really, you flew to here as well?" She says seeming a bit more relieved.

"Yes and I am absolutely NEVER doing that again." I laugh.

She laughs as well before holding out her hand.

"I am Amelia, nice to meet you."

"I'm Avery." I say shaking her hand.

I let go of her hand and she gestures to the hallway.

"I'm gonna continue my search for water. See you later." She turns to the hallway and stumbles further as I close my door.

I let myself fall on the bed again and I look at the ceiling. Several minutes have passed when I finally here two knocks on the door. This time I don't have to open the door because now Calpurnia immediately comes in.

"It is time you get your demon, isn't it?"

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