Chapter 1

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I am going to Vocans Academy. Unbelievable.

Before the nobles visited my home to test me I had never imaged I would be capable of summoning demons. I mean WHAT. I had heard stories about children here in town who were  capable of it as well and the next day they were on their way to Vocans Academy. Unbelievable.

Well actually it isn't, the last couple of years there has changed a lot. Since the battle against the orcs, Hominum seems to have changed, in a good way to be precise. Peace has returned, between humans but also between humans, dwarfs and the elves. They live happily together. This town is the perfect example of it. Raleightown. My home.

"Avery, you have to come with me." The women said. She held out a hand for me to take. I turned around to look one last time at the small bakery in front of me. I had grown up here. Between the warm ovens and bags of flour and now I knew I had to leave it all behind me.

I turned to my parents, they were standing next to each other holding hands and smiling. I am lucky to have them. Even though my mom was smiling , tears were running down her cheeks. I'm going to miss them.

"Promise you will write us, sweetie."My mom says.

" I promise mom but I really have to leave now." I say laughing.

An hour had passed since I was tested. My mom would keep asking if I had packed everything and kept saying I would always be welcome home. They loved me and I loved them. I am going to miss them so much. I already said that.

" Yes, yes I know." She says with a little smile.

My dad puts his arm around her and kisses my moms forehead. I take a last look at my dad. He has some flour on his forehead and his eyes are darting between me and that massive creature behind me. Yeah... did I already mention I'm about to ride a giant deer-ish demon with wings. No? Well... now you know.

I give both my parent one last hug before I turn back to the women. She gives me reassuring smile when I hesitantly take her hand. In one smooth motion she pulls me behind her on the leather saddle. I can feel the muscles of the demon between my legs and it's soft brown fur.

"Hold on tight Avery." The women says while stroking the neck of her demon.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Cause we're going to fly." She answers and I see the smile on her lips as she turns to me.

"Ready?" She asks.

I put my arms around her as I nod.

Before I can say anything else, the air gets sucked out of my lungs. I feel the muscles of the demon move as it flaps its wings and flies high in the sky, leaving the small marketplace under us. I tighten my grip around the women. She was right I should hold on tight. Once we are above the clouds the creature slows down and gently moves through the air but not slowing down.

"I think we aren't properly introduced, I'm lady Jones. I will bring you to Vocans." She yells so her voice is louder than the deafening sound of the wind. She puts one hand in the space under her arm so I can shake it.

"Nice to meet you" I say while shaking her hand but I quickly put it back as the demon makes an movement to the left.

"Once we arrive you will be assigned a room and you will receive a demon captured by your sponsor. Then the real work starts. You will be taking lessons every weekday. So you will be prepared to compete in the tournament."

I will receive a demon. I. Will. Receive. A. Demon. This is surreal. Except it isn't.

Trying to process all this information I manage to nod but I quickly realise she doesn't see me so instead I yell an OKAY. After that we don't speak for what feels like hours. I am already sick from seeing all those clouds. I want both my feet back to the ground but I know that I'll have to wait until we arrive so instead to keep my mind busy I decide that I might as well ask a few questions.

"Does everybody have a sponsor?" I ask-yell.

"You don't know that much yet, do you? Well the people of non-summoner families that were tested, like you will receive indeed a demon from a sponsor. But the nobles or people who have summoner parents will receive a demon from their family. There are demons who are passed down from generation to generation. Just like mine." She says while stroking the neck of her demon.

"Her name is Sallisia. She was gifted to me by my father who got her from his father."

"Those demons and summoners must be pretty unique and strong then."

"Most of the time yeah, but don't worry. A summoner isn't defined by the strength of its demons but is defined by its efforts and willingness."

I want to ask another question but she interrupts me saying the words that make my heart beat even more faster than it already does.

"We're here."

The tournament - a summoner fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang