Chapter 39

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Morning came and Soohi woke up with a great headache. She turned to her left to see hyunjin sleeping on a couch next to the bed she was sleeping in.

Images from last night came to her mind but she tried to shook it off as much as possible.

She slowing got down from the bed and went to the washroom to wash her face. Her eyes was puffy and tried tears down her cheeks. She cleaned herself and went out of the bathroom and saw hyunjin already up looking to the direction she came from.

There was a moment of silence before hyunjin broke it "are you ok?"

Soohi bite her bottom lips in anxiety and let out a small shakey breathe before nodding , " yeah i am" . Hyunjin- still unconvinced- decided to now pull the topic further. Soohi went to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks... for last night and I'm sorry" she said guilty that hyunjin had to stay with her all night in this place to take care of her.

Hyunjin didn't say anything instead he stood from the couch and went to where she was. He bended half sitting in front of her- where she was sitting  and sighed.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything or saying thanks to me , angel. I'm just glad that you are fine now" he said in such a hushed and soft tone and she swore she would have melted.

"Hyunjin i-"

"But that doesn't mean you are fully safe now. Anything would have happened if i didn't came on time last night so...." Hyunjin said even Soohi could say anything.


"So date me."



My final exams were going on so i couldn't update I'm so sorry 😭😭

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