It's a Plan

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Saturday 30 May, ••••


Yes, I'd be fine with it. It'll be fake anyway. It's not like we're ACTUALLY going to get married!

Also thank you for that poem I liked that one. It made me feel good and smile after a stressful week.

Everything is sorted now so I'm allowed to relax for two-ish weeks I'm excited for the break!

How's things been with you?

I still miss you.

I feel so lonely despite being in a castle full of people. Wilbur and Sophie are both busy. Wilbur is in extra training and Sophie is preparing decorations and cleaning the castle with the others. I'm not really allowed off my floor unless it's for food so it's really boring.

I wish I could leave and be back on the ship with all of you. You were all a better family than who I'm with right now

I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you 
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you

That took a lot to write but it was worth it

I hope you're serious about wanting to come to the masquerade ball next month because I'm going to my father's office while he's out to write the invitations today so once they're out you can't back out!!

I'll address them to Snowchester with the letter you're reading right now so you shouldn't miss them. They should get there today or early tomorrow

I miss you!

Say hi to Patches as well

- George

George signed the letter off and folded it nicely slotting it into a blue envelope but not sealing it yet. He hid it in a draw in his desk and stood up.

He left his room and surely enough there was no one on his floor. He sneaked towards the window and looked out of it, he spotted his father getting into a gold and white carriage with a guard who wasn't Wilbur. The carriage wasted no time in setting off and George wasted no time running to the king's office.

He pushed the door slightly and it clicked open which surprised him. He opened it fully and closed it behind him securely, tiptoeing quickly he made his way to the large desk at the end of the room. George flipped through files on his father's desk until he found a folder labelled "BALL 15/6/••••"

"Biiingo" George sang

George opened the file and searched through everything slotted in it. He came across: an invitation list, menu items, decoration set up, table settings and finally multiple unused invitations. George picked out five, closed the file and put it back in its original place

He creeped out of his father's office and scarpered to his room, shutting the door securely behind him

"Okay" George sighed

He sat back at his desk and began writing on the blank invitations. George knew he couldn't use their actual names as they'd have to bring proof of invitation, so he put his creativity to use and began making up names

"This will be fun" George giggled to himself

Each invitation was now complete he came up with the names: Caden Block, Nathan Pandas, Kai Jacobson, Anthony Duck, Tanya Kitten. He was quite pleased with the names he came up with, there would be no way the guards would notice

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