The Decision

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It was an early morning and Dream was getting last minute things from the market with Sapanp, making sure they had enough things to last until they got to the next kingdom

"So, what are you going to tell George?" Sapnap asked

"I'm gonna let him stay with us. He obviously doesn't want to go back to the castle, so why should we force him too? If he's happy here with us then I'd like to keep it that way" Dream said

Sapnap smiled "I'm glad you think that way. George is cool."

Dream nodded his head in agreement, he began admiring the decorations around the village, he found himself lost in though when he bumped into someone "Oh I'm sorry"

A young man with orange hair looked up from his mail bag "No no I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I gotta run have a good day" Dream was about to say something to Sapnap from their previous topic when he was interrupted by a random castle guard

"Hey! Pirate!" The voice said

Dream turned "Yes sir?"

"Was hoping we'd catch you before you left." He then pulled something out of his jacket pocket "for you, it's from the King of L'manberg. It's important." He walked back to his position on the gates

"I wonder what's in it" Sapnap wondered

Dream hummed with concern "I don't know but I don't think it's good..." he put the envelope in his pocket "we can read it later"

They spent a little longer in the market before deciding they had more than enough. They walked up the ramp to store the food in their storage chests.

When they reached the main deck they saw that only Puffy, Phil and Callahan were awake

"Morning guys, everyone else still asleep?" Dream asked

"Yep, sound asleep" Puffy took a pocket watch out to look at it "it is still early though so I'm not too surprised. Be quiet while you're putting that away"

"Will do- oh! Also, I got given this" he pulled the envelope out "would you mind reading through it while we put these away"

Puffy took it "I can." She read the front "Oh dear it's from the king...that can't be good" she whispered the last bit

Dream and Sapnap had gone now leaving Puffy, Phil and Callahan looking at the envelope

Puffy sighed "Well, better see what this says then" she opened the envelope taking the letter out smiling

She read through it.

Her smile quickly faded.

"Oh no...oh no no no...Captain is not going to like this" she put a hand to her head

"What am I not going to like" Dream chuckled walking up to them

"This" she handed the letter to him "read it out loud so they know too"

"Okay..." Dream read it a little "It says 'Dream and crew, we have been informed that you have Prince George, we can label this as a crime due to suspicions of abduction'! Are they kidding?!" Dream looked at Puffy "like I saw this coming but I didn't think it would actually happen"

"That's not even the worse part, keep reading" she said sitting down on the floor putting her head in her hands

Dream continued his expression getting more and more angry "They can't do that! Well they can, but it wouldn't be right" he folded the letter and lowered it into his pocket

"What do we tell George?" Phil said

"I don't know, he seems happy here and I was going to tell him that he can stay with us..." Dream said sadly rubbing his hand up his face "it's alright, I'll do the talking and keep things calm...hopefully"

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