Uncovering behind the curtains

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I said that in confidence, but here I am. Not even sure where to start or how I'm going to tackle this kind of task. It's been a half hour now since I started recruiting new members. Unfortunately, so far, I haven't succeeded in holding any meaningful conversation.

I sat calmly on a remote bench to start contemplating my next move. For even if I did this job for him, he could still blackmail me any time. And I can't relax until I get back that picture.

Still ruminating whether I'll have to call the higher-ups to help me delete that photo in every existing device, a figure came and slowly sat next to me on the same bench. However, I didn't move my head to look at them.

After a couple of seconds, the stranger tossed toward me his cup which contained a liquid water-like color but bleach-like odor.

" A rough day ha? Take this, it helps. "

I gradually raised my face only to spot an extremely attractive girl with curly neck-length purple hair and purple eyes with cat-like pupils, a curvy figure, and a large chest enough to challenge Nanaka's.

" Thank you but I must decline. I already had my share of that. "

" Hmph, it's your loss! "

She said lifting her shoulders before drinking the full cup in one go.

Isn't this my perfect opportunity? She's surely very drunk so it may be easy to convince her to join the club.

Even if I'll just use her, all people are but strangers to me, as long as I win in the end, nothing else mat-

" A beautiful lady is sitting right besides you and what you do!? Start monologuing in that head of yours! " She lighlty knocked 3 times on my head.

" You seem a little bit lonely here by yourself. Why don't you join my club? " I slowly moved her hands from my crown and asked her.

" Hmm... aren't you already in that club but you seem in the same state as me. Well, it's never bad to hear an offer from such a handsome boy. So, what's this club about? "

" It's about diving, nothing else worth mentioning. although, I have a premonition that you would fit in so easily. "

For some reason the moment she heard the diving club, she noticeably widened her eyes.

Does she like diving this much?

" Ohh, interesting. And what's your name? "

She smiled and asked.

" Its Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. I just moved here from Tokyo, and now I'm a first-year Mechanical Engineering student at Izu University. "

After hearing my introduction, she stood up, brushed off some dust of her thighs, and said with an enthusiastic tone.

" Okay, I'm in. "

Oh, was it this easy all this time?

I followed her actions and did the same.

" All right then. Follow m- "

I was preparing to head back to the kiosk in order to complete the procedure, that's until she interrupted me and raised her index finger.

" But under one condition. "

Its always that one condition.

" And its? "

Her smile got even more wider.

In a seductive way, she laid her finger on my chest and repeatedly moved it in a circular shape before addressing me in a faint tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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