"I won't let you be bullied, Joe. I can tell your teacher for you and you don't have to say anything, I promise. But whatever you do, remember to stand up for yourself," I say, kneeling down beside of Joey before we go into the school.

"Thanks Emmie, you're a good sister," Joey says, smiling. He takes my hand, leaning into my body. We go into the school, Ben and Aidan trailing behind us. Once we're in the school, students greet Joey and he soon leaves our side to go and play.

"Emma? This is Bella," my little brother says, walking back with a little girl his age. I look at Bella with familiarity, taking in her blond hair and green eyes. Instantly I can tell she was Austin's little sister. I mean, with those eyes I would be able to tell anywhere.

"Hello Bella. It's nice to meet you," I say, smiling and shake her little hand. Then she crosses her arms against her chest and narrows her eyes.

"Why aren't you with Austin? He really likes you," she says. My eyes widen and I glance behind me at my two brothers. I'm shocked at what Bella said, and wonder how she could possibly know about Austin and I.

"He talks about you all the time, but he doesn't want me to say anything, especially to your brothers-" The bell rings, making me jump. Bella hugs me around the waist and waves goodbye as teachers start to herd everyone into classrooms. I look to see Ben and Aidan talking to the principal.

Once we did the small talk ritual, since Mr. Oles was our principal when we were in elementary school, we leave and get in the car to drive to our own school. We will probably be late for first period, but at least we have a good excuse.

"No wonder Joey didn't want Moms help getting dressed, she would have seen the cut on him arm," Ben says and I agree. Joey is mature, and often wants to to things himself and always wanting to solve his own problems himself.

"I just hope this kid doesn't push him around again, or he'll have me to deal with," Aidan mutters, watching out the window. I roll my eyes, knowing Aidan is just being protective and wouldn't really hurt anyone.

"What are you going to do? Beat him up?" I laugh as we pull into the school parking lot, ten minutes late.

"Nobody hurts my family and gets away with it," Aidan growls.

I wonder what he would do if he found out his best friend kissed me.

The bell rings moments after we walk in the school, ending History and signalling the beginning of break. Andrea and I get a seat at the table the cafeteria, sitting at the farthest end from my brothers. But it doesn't look too obvious because there are people filling the seats near them.

Just after we sit down, Seth and Carter sit down across from us.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" Andrea and Carter get into a deep conversation about some celebrity.

"I just tune them out when they start like this," Seth says pointing to our two friends.

"I know me too. They'll probably end up getting into an argument anyway," I says, laughing quietly. Seth agrees with me. Andrea is a very argumentative person, and usually won't stop until she gets her way.

"We missed you this summer. We won five games straight. But we all agreed we lost the tournament last week because you weren't there to boss us around." Seth grins and I lean over the table to sock him in the arm, which only makes him laugh more.

Break flies by, and I manage to avoid contact with Austin He didn't attempt to confront me about what I said, or anything. We have chemistry last class together, and I can only help but hope maybe we will talk.

"I know your going to try and talk to Austin and I just wanted you to know that I will still gladly kick his ass for you." Andrea tells me seriously before going to her class and leaving me standing just outside my chemistry class.

I take a deep breath and walk in. Ms. Kinney greets me, giving me a worksheet as I slowly walk to my desk, noticing Austin isn't there yet. Once the tardy bell rang, he still isn't in class. Nor is he there twenty minutes after.

At quarter to, I'm beginning to think he is actually avoiding me until the door swings open and Austin walks in. He nods to our teacher but his eyes search the classroom until they reach mine.

"Austin! You are forty minutes late, please go to the office to get your note and bring it back." Austin ignores Ms. Kinney and strides straight over to my desk, his eyes sparkling with determination. He doesn't bother sitting down, instead he reaches into his jeans pocket and grips a a piece of paper.

What in the hell is he doing?

"Austin, what are you doing?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. Everyone in the class is watching, waiting to see what is going to happen.

"What I said, it wasn't true. And I want to prove it to you." Austin clears his throat, looking down at the paper.


I know you're hurt

I know I caused your pain

But please, let me explain

No matter what I do

all my thoughts lead back to you

and my heart swells

forgive me please

give me one more chance

to prove myself to you.

When he finishes, I finally let my breath out and meet his eyes. The class erupts in applause, and the girls let out an 'awe'. Even Ms. Kinney appears awe struck.

The bell rings before I can manage to say anything and Austin offers me his hand.

"It would be honour to drive you home. If you allow me, of course."

"Well, after that how could I resist?" I manage to get out and take Austin's outreached hand, allowing him to pull me from my seat. I gather my books and back pack but Austin takes them.

"Here, allow me to take those."

"What a gentleman." I laugh and we embark our journey to the his truck in the student parking lot.

Anything for you," he says, wrapping his arm around me. Instead of shrinking away, I lean into him and let him kiss my forehead.


"So, you really do like me? Your not just saying that because you feel bad?" We are outside of my house. I face Austin who shakes his head.

"No, what I'm saying is true. You are the only one in my heart Emma." I blush and my cheeks heat up. Then I remember that Carla and Austin kissed.

"Then why did I see you kiss Carla?"

"Carla and her boyfriend broke up. Carla wanted me as her rebound, but if you had of stuck around, you would have seen that I pushed her away. I told her I wasn't interested. I tried to explain that to you but you wouldn't listen." Austin sighs. I feel stupid.

"You are the only one I am interested in, Emma Jean Taylor. You are the only one who has my heart. With that being said, would you be my date for the Halloween dance?"

"Yes. I would love to."


Well, finally!

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