Chapter 2: The Pridelanders (part 1)

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And here we go again... 

The boy regains consciousness finding himself on a downstream on top of a log. To get out of the water, he was forced to grab hold of what seemed to be the roots of a tree which protruded from the river bank. When he reached the earth, the first thing he noticed was that looking to both sides, he couldn't see anything, not even a trace of the prison from which he came out, a jetty, someone fishing or swimming...nothing. 

"<<Where am I? And where's mom?! What is this place?>>" Many things went through Mlezi's head at that moment, he waited a bit to see what would happen but as he expected, nothing happened "HELLOOOO!?? MWANGA!? SOMEONEEE?!!"

There was no response, or at least, until another boy like him appeared giving him an answer with his paws. Curious to see him, he approached slowy. He was a cheetah cub about his age. 

"Um hi, who... are ya?" The curious cheetah asked Mlezi.

"Hey there, name's Mlezi-" He starts to walk towards his friend to start a conversation with him but he backs off a little intimidated "Don't be afraid, I don't want to hurt you, I'm just lost"

"Oh okay then, I'm Mikilu. I live nearby and I heard your screams and I came to see who it was, although my parents often tell me that talking to strangers is usually dangerous. But I figured that being someone my age, it couldn't be anything bad" he admitted.

Mlezi smiles at his statement, he didn't expect such a detail from a stranger "Thanks for coming then"

"No problem friend, sooo you're lost you said?"

"Uhh a little if I'm honest, I don't know this place" 

"You're in the Pridelands State, we're always courteous to outsiders, so consider Tanzania as your home. Nice place, huh?"

Looking at the environment, the blonde cub affirmed what he said "Yes, this is beautiful and it feels very warm and... and..." his words stopped suddenly as he remembered a fact "<Wait a second, Woga was supposed to be from here, so that means...>"

"... Are you okay, lion friend?"The blonde cub realized that his friend was talking to him "Uh y-yes I'm fine, I've let myself go for a moment, that's all hehe"

"Oh okay, it's just that I notice you nervous, if you need something just say it"

"Thank you very much friend but I'm fine really, and by the way, the state is quite big. Where exactly are we?"

"In the capital. Pridelands city, here's the palace of the royal family, the Priderock Palace, although it looks more like a super giant mansion. But it's very cool equally!"


For those wondering, no, I'm not going to do a Mlezi subplot walking around like a fool for half an hour.

Good job fuc**** lazy writer, you're the best  ( I just insulted myself yeah, don't take it into account XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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