He immediately went to buy it and paid for it. He wasn't buying it to wear it for anyone else though *cough*. He wanted to wear it for himself ,someday. He just liked it a lot.

Meanwhile ,the younger had bought many clothes for both of themselves but more for his fiance. After he was done with paying for all these. He picked an outfit he hoped the elder would like.

It was a long black skirt with a white and black striped horizantally turtleneck.

They went back to the car putting all the bags in the backseat. And younger took off to a home decor item shop. From where he bought many things like cushions ,picture frames , fake plants ,rugs ,little wood carvings and sculptures ,flower vases ,art pieces ,scented candles , wall prints ,table lamps etc. And asked them to send it to their home.

After they reached to their place ,both took the bundles of bags inside the older's room.

(I imagine jungkook's room to be something like this, you can imagine however you like)

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(I imagine jungkook's room to be something like this, you can imagine however you like)

Taehyung helped him unpack the tons of clothes and when taehyung was about to open another bag ,jungkook noticed it and immediately snatched it away from him startling the bear.

"I- what is in it that you snatched it away from me like that ,you scared me." Spoke the younger clutching his chest dramatically. "Nothing you need to see." He said immediately hiding it deep in the closet out of younger's reach.

"Whatever."huffed taehyung. They went back to taking the outfits out. When the older took out something from a bag and his eyes widen seeing it. He held it in his hand and showed it to his fiance who looked unfazed. "What?" Muttered the younger. "What do you mean what? You -you ...bought this? For me? He questioned his husband pointing at the clothes.

It has been atleast 8 years since i last wore clothes like this.

He thought to himself trying to his smile ,he didn't know why but he was very happy just thanks to a single piece of clothing. His eyes were shining with delightfulness. "No ,might have placed it by mistake ,i will return it to the shop later." Answered the younger in a fake serious voice . The bunny's small smile immediately faded at that and his little happiness vanished away. "Yeah.... Right. Here you can return it later." The older said in a tiny voice handing back the clothing items.

The younger tried to stop himself from laughing at the elder's face. "But you can keep it if you want though."he said continuing his act. "What would I do with these fe-female clothes." He mentally smacked himself for stuttering.

"I was joking you oldy ,these are for you. I bought them for you. And what do you mean female clothes? Clothes don't have any gender. You like them ,you wear them." Taehyung spoke final breaking his act because for some reason ,he couldn't see the older's dejected expression.

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