Ch. 13 - Revelations

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"I think... I'm in love... with Milo...!"

This must be a crush! Her first crush? Had she finally found her spark

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This must be a crush! Her first crush? Had she finally found her spark...? What else could it be? This is what it must feel like, right?

The idea had been planted by her parents, taking note of her behavior that was atypical toward someone who was 'just a friend.'

"You sure cook for Milo a lot."

"You're cooking for him every day. Are you trying to impress him with your skills? You know what they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

It was quite annoying, even more so because she couldn't say the real reason. However, Kari realized, in part because of it being pointed out, that she truly enjoys this. Making someone she was fond of's day with a hobby she loves doing, and not only improving in the process, but expanding her comfort zone — win-win. 

But it wasn't just that. There was more to it. Something deeper and darker than she could've imagined.

When Milo was there earlier, Kari made skillet cottage pie and cheese-filled drop biscuits, both recipes picked out online by him. She poured her soul into them as usual, and it was tasty, but she could hardly focus on her own portion thanks to the mesmerizing boy in front of her. Milo was so engrossed in the food that the real world might as well have not existed. And the sight of him eating that way made Kari's heart race. 

But at one point, Milo peeled his eyes from it.

"Hey, uh, Kari. Um. Just wondering. How come you always look at me while I eat...?"

She wasn't all there, but Milo's voice, and that alarming question brought her back to Earth.


Shit, he does notice! Oh no, no, no!! Her cheeks and ears burned.

"I must look way more disgusting than usual, eating. So... why...?"

Kari's mouth refused to cooperate with her, so she answered nonverbally. She shook her head. No, absolutely not.

"...Does it have to do with... how you feel fulfilled by seeing people enjoy what you made...? Because you're a chef?"

That sounded right. Kari nodded. Her mouth finally creaked open.

"Yes... and I want you to experience good food. It upsets me how you've had to eat such terrible food all your life... So I especially want you to enjoy it."

"...Well, I do. Too much." he admitted with a shy smile. He felt better about it. He then replenished his almost-empty plate and promptly resumed, with great gusto so Kari would extra-see that he appreciated her efforts.

Kari couldn't get it out of her mind. She lay on her bed reliving those events. And other similar events of Milo eating. Certain comments he's made; how it's so good, he doesn't want to stop. The way his eyes follow her when she carries food to the table. The way he sings praises before and after. And she knew it was unintentional on his part, but everything Milo did, every little thing, was the opposite of what one should do to facilitate portion control. He eats quickly. He prefers large plates or bowls and large utensils. And he doesn't drink that much while eating. It's no wonder he can fit so much in there. And something about all that was... was...

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