Ch. 7 - Emmeline and Miles

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My parents loved each other very much. Mom says it's the type of love you'd otherwise find only in a fairy tale. She always calls my dad "the perfect man."

...I guess he was kinda like her knight in shining armor.

Now, Mom... she had a hard life growing up. From what I know, her parents mistreated her in horrible ways she never wanted to tell me about. The moment her parents could, they kicked her out on the streets. No one cared about her... except my dad. They were friends in high school, very close friends. The only one she had, even to this day, I think.

Well, actually, they were in love. Obviously... how would I exist. Well my dad didn't want my mom living on the streets, so he convinced his parents to take her in. It was sometime after that when they became sweethearts.

They both saved money up, and in a few years they saved enough to move into their own place together. They didn't have much, but what mattered was they had each other. But to Mom, it was perfect. They got engaged, they were saving up to get married, things looked up. My dad was going to have a good job too, he was studying psychology.

But... in this garbage world, nice things can't last...

On finding out that my mom was pregnant to me, which... they didn't want... my dad was so stressed over it I guess he went out, drowned his sorrows, and then... he drove and he crashed. He died.

But I only found that out recently. As in, a few years ago. Before then, I was led to believe I have a father out there somewhere. You know, who's actually... not-dead.

For as long as I can remember, Mom would show me pictures of him and tell me stories about him. How great and selfless he is and how much she loves him. I looked up to him a lot myself. I mean, how could I not? I was a little boy and he was my father.

 I mean, how could I not? I was a little boy and he was my father

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"Mommy, where is Daddy?"

Instead of telling me the reason for his absence like it is, she would instead say stuff like...

"On his trip around the world? Um. Oh! He just told me this morning, he's in— France right now!"

"Oooh. When will he come home?"

"He'll come home... some day."

A trip around the world. Visiting every nook and cranny of the Earth... I don't know if he legit wanted that when he was alive, but that was her excuse for me.

After she'd get home from work, which... she spends the whole day at, I'd often hear her 'talking on the phone' with him. I'd always beg her to let me talk to him too, but she never let me because 'the minutes are limited'. International phone call crap...

Sometimes though, he would be 'in the area', just visiting. Mom would go out to 'visit' him...

 Mom would go out to 'visit' him

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