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Hi everyone Im gonna clear up that blaze and bea met when they was 11 and 12 so they knew each other for about a year before bea left to Tennessee:) this chapter starts at them meeting :) enjoy

                                       BEA'S POV

I woke up to a very disturbing alarm and smacked it very quickly getting up to get ready for school I took a shower brushed my teeth and got dressed ^ (outfit up there ) I went down stairs to eat my breakfast and go to school the first day of middle school I'm nervous but excited I go down stairs and say good morning to my mom and dad

Bea : good morning mom how are you feeling

Zara(mom): good morning love I'm feeling good how are you excited for school ?
Bea : yesss but I'm nervous mommm
Zara: I know honey don't be go pack your lunch

I packed my lunch with a Turkey sand which with chips and Oreos and I'm on my way to school I found my bus stop pretty quickly because I seen a girl there and decided to introduce myself wanting to make a friend

Bea : hi I'm bea what's your name
??: HI! my names Sammie
She grabbed my hand and shook it slightly
Bea: ou I like your name and your very pretty
I watched as her face got red
Sammie: thank you so are you
Bea : you are going to hssls (just act like it's a middle school 😭)
Sammie: well duh I'm at your bus stop
She said sarcastically followed by A giggle

Shortly after the bus showed up and we was seated next to each other is wasn't to long before we made it to school I walked into the school looking for the office to find my schedule when I found it I walked in and it was very welcoming with butterscotch on the counter I gladly took one and found the office lady

Bea : hi I'm bea I'm here for my schedule
Lisa: hi bea what's your last name honey
Bea : Hernandez
Lisa : got you right here
As she prints out my schedule and hands it to me with a big smile
Lisa: have a good day !
I say thank you as I walk out
When I walked out Sammie was walking in so I just waited for her and we soon found out we had 3 classes together which was good with us

As me and Sammie made our way to first period we seen a boy just sitting at his locker looking upset we look at each other with a concerned look and walked towards him
I grabbed his shoulder and he flinched away
Sammie : are you okay what's your name ?
???: leave me alone and mind your business kid
Bea : gee what a sweetheart
I said as we walked away from the bum

Me and Sammie soon got to class and went about our days but I still wondered about the boy
                       Time skip schools Over
As I'm walking out of the school I bumped into someone which so happened to be the rude boy from earlier but this time he wasn't rude he help me up from the ground and I dust myself off
Bea: thank you
I said with a smile
???: yea your welcome watch where your walking next time
As he starts to walk away I say wait ! He turned around and looked at me
???: what
He said rudely
Bea : what's your name ?
He narrowed his eyes at me thinking
???: it's blaze now can I go ?
Bea : yea sorry
Geez I wonder to hurt him LOL

    Time skip she's 12 and she's moving away sadly

As I meet Sammie and blaze at the park to say goodbye because I'm leaving to Tennessee I see Sammie approaching she's crying her eyes out I feel so bad blaze is walking up with a blank expression
Sammie runs up to me and gives me a big hug

Sammie : don't gooooo you cantttt take me with you I can fit in your suit case I-I- I promise
As she's coughing and sniffling
Bea : Sammie I'm sorry I can't do anything about it I can't take you with me what about your family here
I start to write my number down on her hand
Bea : call me anytime you miss me okay I'll do the same
She sniffles looking at me one more time before giving me a hug
Blaze walks up to me and ruffles my hair as I push his hands away
Blaze : I'm gonna miss you smalls
He said with a hint of sadness in his voice since I had grew on him me and Sammie both 😋
Bea : I'm gonna miss you to it was nice being your friend for the time I was here... hug ?
Blaze opens his arms for me
Blaze : hug
I give him a big hug
Bea : would you want my number to ?
Blaze : is that even a question??
I started laughing while writing my number down
Bea : okay well this is it you guys I'm gonna miss you both so very much :'(
They both said in unison
Blaze&sammie: we are gonna miss you to
I say my final goodbye and start to walk away as I hear Sammie crying I finally get home and we get on the rode to the airport I fell asleep...

Hellooooo readers what did you guys think I honestly wrote This pretty quick writers do you wrote off the top of your head or do you have your stories planned out ? Tell me in the comments give me advice on my writing the last time I wrote was when I was 12 😭😭 don't judge me tho please
Vote please ! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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