Chapter 12-Another Uzumaki?!?

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After the assessment exam, Iruka gave his students free time which in his opinion was well deserved and he also had been thinking quite a lot about his new students

'I have an interesting batch of students for only my second year of being a teacher in the academy' Iruka thought while looking at the papers with the data of each of his students

With The Students

Nothing interesting happened in the classroom that's at least for the first 5 minutes after that a girl with brown hair gave Sasuke a bento box and after it was CHAOS, girls were going to Sasuke giving him bento boxes, chocolate, and flowers. Naruto swore that some of them were hallucinating about them marrying Sasuke as some girls were mumbling about Sasuke being their husband and the words "You may now kiss the bride" and then squeals

'What the hell these girls are crazy!!' Naruto thought

"Fangirls?" Kurama asked with his eyes twitching

"Okay what the hell, don't they see that the guy is basically trying to get away from them he literally took a random book from under his desk and is pretending to read it" Naruto now said but made sure to not shout as the mob would probably go to him and beat him up trying to deny that outrageous statement but still he was strong and he knew that, but could he really fight more than 20 girls and the answer was 'probably' but didn't risk it because if he lost he would get beaten up if he won he would be the guy that beat up more than 20 girls so it was a lose-lose situation

"Girls are so troublesome" A boy with spiky hair and a lazy expression said who was subsequently beside the blonde boy who seemed to answer Naruto's previous statement which Naruto overlooked at first as the lazy boy was not looking at him as his eyes were shut, he actually thought the boy was sleeping

"Uh yeah at least as far as I can see" Naruto said not really wanting to generalize a whole gender from about 20 girls that were 8 years old

"Hey blonde guy I don't know if you noticed but 2 girls are looking at you like some girls were looking at Sasuke before whatever that thing happened" The lazy boy said with his eyes still shut while Naruto systematically turned his head to see a girl with short platinum blond hair and light blue eyes and another girl with dark blue hair and white eyes

"Oi! it's Naruto and how did you even know that your eyes are shut" Naruto said and then asked

"Okay fine Naruto I don't know if you noticed but Ino and that other girl are looking at you like some girls were looking at Sasuke before whatever that thing happened. Is that good enough? Oh and my name's Shikamaru" Shikamaru said lazily trying to be a smart ass to the blonde boy

"Ok" Naruto said then muttering "I guess", but Naruto looked at Shikamaru then stated the obvious "You still didn't answer my question"

"Oh, they were looking like that even while we were sparring but that dark blued hair girl seems to be looking at you since the beginning" Shikamaru said matter of factly

"But why?" Naruto asked

Shikamaru smirked then grew into a chuckle but after realizing the blonde boy wasn't joking nor being sarcastic asked something "Are you that dense?"

"What?" Naruto said in a tone showing that he was offended by Shikamaru's previous question and what he did before that

"It means they're attracted to you" Shikamaru said with a deadpan look

"Oh" Naruto said not really able to say anything after that

"B- HAHHAHAHHAHAHA" Kurama laughed making Naruto from confusion to embarrassment to downright angry

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