Number one, huh?

Maybe he should seriously interview Toshinori's replacement then.

He decided to drop to the ground, now looking the older teen in the eye.

"I haven't heard much about you." Togata admitted, still smiling blindingly. Any attack coming from Midoriya and Kirishima, who were the only other students remaining, were easily ignored, blocked and sent back at their users.

"No one really has." Sanyu said honestly. Togata went back under the ground and Sanyu hovered a pointless distance above the ground.

Then something strange happened.

Togata tried to reach up under him, probably to slam him into the ground, but something stopped him.

His hand knocked against Sanyu's prosthetic.

The older teen resurfaced, looking shocked. Sanyu tried to get higher off the ground but Togata grabbed his prosthetic. He tried to kick back using his flesh leg, but it predictably went right through the senior.

He blasted through the foot of his prosthetic, hurting Togata just enough that he involuntarily let go. Sanyu launched himself at the senior nearly horizontally, prosthetic first.

Mirio grabbed it bracing his body against the impact. He gritted his teeth and Sanyu was sure the teen had hurt his wrist doing that.

He was about to slam Sanyu into the ground using his leg as a handle but Sanyu bent his leg. The joints responded instantly, pulling him into Togata's chest with an audible thud. Mirio tried to slip through him, but the prosthetic being immovable complicated things.

Sanyu gave himself a bit more momentum and swung up to the senior's shoulders, using their slight difference in height and mass to his advantage. He wrapped the prosthetic impossibly around the boy's neck with his socket resting just at the back of the senior's neck making it impossible to phase his whole body into the floor without...well probably cutting his own head off or injuring his spine.

Mirio fell backwards, landing half on top of Sanyu which, admittedly, hurt a fair amount.

Within seconds of being in the chokehold Mirio tapped out and Sanyu relaxed his prosthetic completely.

Sanyu stayed on the ground for a second, catching his breath. Mirio was heavy and the impact onto concrete had knocked the wind right out of him. Mirio on the other hand looked strangely used to suffocating and stood right back up with a wide smile.

The 15 year old resisted the overwhelming urge to tell Togata he did a good job. He had realized during the battle that despite their age difference they had both been heroes for three years. Well more or less. Mirio was a hero student, but it couldn't be that different considering they had the internships he had heard so much about.

It's just, you know, Mirio had gathered his experience in a world where heroes stopped jewel thieves. Like Spiderman-Sanyu thought.

Then he got distracted wondering if he could beat Spiderman. His powers generated heat, they'd probably burn through his webs. But he was also incredibly skilled and had a spidey-sense.

"Does he always space out like that?" Togata asked, looking at Aizawa. The teacher sighed.

"More often than not, yes. He always needs a minute after training like this." He explained. Mirio seemed a bit confused but was understanding. "Oyama!" The teacher called out, "Fight's over, get up and head to Recovery Girl's office.".

The boy on the ground flinched and the processors in his leg whirred a little before he stood up.

"I'll go with him, if you don't mind. My wrist needs some serious help!" Mirio said playfully. He cast an indecipherable look at the other two members of the big 3 and followed Sanyu out of the gym.

------------ ----------- ---------- --------- ------------ ---------- -----------

"If it's any consolation my leg is the only thing in the world made out of this material. Its not able to be replicated." Sanyu said seriously. He didn't want Mirio to get nervous or think he had found his kryptonite.

"I'm not worried." Mirio said, catching on to what Sanyu meant by that instantly. He smiled, "I've never faced someone who fights like you. I've got to say, I'm a bit embarrassed to be bested by class 1-A.".

Sanyu looked his senior up and down. "I can't help but think my fighting's gotten sloppy. I could have avoided bruising my back like that or hurting you too much. It was messy." He said, "And I only won because of the material of my leg.".

The older teen gave Sanyu a strange, almost awed look. "You should have more confidence " He commented, "I didn't really lose to all of 1-A, you know. I lost to you.".

"My therapist is trying to get me to take pride in my abilities." Sanyu said, trying to explain why he spoke that way. Togata nodded in acknowledgment and smiled at him

"Your therapist is right." He said. There was a beat of silence as they reentered the main building before the older teen spoke again. "Have you considered where you want to go for your hero work study?".

---------- ---------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------

"I warned you about this." Tao said, staring down at the sheet of paper on the table. Keigo sighed.

"Well I knew he tried to hide things too, but this is a bit much." He said honestly. "I didn't even know-the doctors didn't tell me about this at all when I took him home.".

"He probably promised to tell you himself then decided he didn't want to worry you." Tao observed, "He did that before too, except with bullet wounds.". Keigo stared at the man in shock. He'd never get used to stuff like that. "What can we do to help?" The hero asked, determined to fix one of Sanyu's problems for once.

"Well it's ongoing." Tao said, flipping the sheet of paper over and reading the record again. "But I have a plan.".

"So do it." Keigo grinned.


How does one choke someone out with their thigh, you might ask? 

By having a prosthetic that can rotate 360 degrees if needed at the mid thigh. 

I'm just kidding you can do it without an impossible prosthetic, but in this fight Sanyu uses that leg to its full advantages! 

Mirio definitely went to Nezu after this fight to ask what the fuck was up with Oyama tho. Whether or not Nezu gave him an answer is TBD 

On the pet topic! 

I was going to go with the majority of the suggestions and give Sanyu a dog but my friend raised a very good point-

Sanyu could zip the bunny in his jacket 🥺

And I mean Sanyu x jacket is the iconic first ship of this series 💅 so I couldn't just give that idea up. But a dog would also be great as a friend he could take with him outside more often. Also someone brought up that a dog could give him physical support with his leg, which the last scene foreshadows (I won't tell you how🤐). Plus Sanyu and a big fluffy dog is just too cute to me. Like they could train together it would be adorable! 

In the end I decided to...

(drumroll please) 

Do Both! 

The tiny last segment was foreshadowing to that! The next chapter is going to be so cute! We could use some wholesomeness after all the edgeyness. 

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