Chapter 35: Same mistake.

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Y/n was sitting there, with her feets dipped in the waterfall's water.

She sighed while playing with the water.

She was getting weak mentally day per day.

Her heart was messed up even though only Taehyung was in it.

She never thought that one day would come when the person she trusted the most, fell in love with her(?).

Firstly her parents left her, then the fact that Ara also died because of her deeds, and now Jimin's matter.

She was loosing hopes in her life.

Y/n: Please god help me, i'm feeling all alone.


Y/n was sitting in her room with her (finally) 9 months old baby bump.

This time she was really in pain because her delivery date was close so her contractions also started slowly.

Now she was resting as Taehyung told her to do so.

She was also somewhere shocked yet happy to see that Jimin didn't disturb her anymore.

He would just ignore her or will not even come in front of her.

Y/n: I knew he would never do that.

She said while thinking that he was surely the same Jimin she knew since forever.

She smiled and suddently Taehyung entered the room.

She looked at him and he did back while smiling.

Taehyung: How is my wifey doing?

He asked while walking to her and sitting beside her, onto the bed.

Y/n: Good.

He smiled once again and caressed her belly.

Taehyung: I never thought that my baby will be that healthy, all thanks to you.

He said emotionally, making her go in awe.

Y/n: Why are you being sad? It was my responsability to carry a child and make him healthy.

He continued to caress her belly and Y/n stayed silent, admiring the love of a father in his eyes.

Taehyung: I'm really happy to know that we are once again living as a happy couple.

She hummed.


Taehyung: I'm going out for a little work, i'll be back until few hours.

He said and hugged Y/n, she hugged him back.

Y/n: Ok take care.

He hummed and kissed her before leaving the castle.

Y/n looked at him and also sighed when he was out of her point of view.

With that she started to roam around the house, not knowing what to do.


As Y/n was in the garden, admiring the stars, she suddently flinched when she felt someone behind her.

She turned around and saw that it was Jimin.

She breathed out and looked back at the sky.

Jimin, on the other hand, stood beside her and did the same.

Now Y/n was once again regaining her trust toward him.

She was trying to persuade herself that Jimin was understanding and sweet.

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