"Good afternoon, what's up?" I greeted her, trying to sound interested yet casual.

"Seriously? 'What's up'?" whispered the black-haired boy. I punched his arm.

"Nothing at the moment, I'm just going over some statements that might help us, keeping me busy," she began, and I sighed in relief that everything seemed to be going well on this. I hoped the next thing she was going to say had nothing to do with the case. "I was calling because, Travis and Kyle haven't stopped talking about you, the Monday I arrived they were so thrilled about you, and yesterday they asked me when they were going to see you again," she continued, eliciting infinite tenderness in me. I felt so appreciated, so happy, for the simple fact that I had made a positive impact on the ones who Marcia loved the most.

"Awwww," I pouted, "thank you so much, they are so special. If you allow me, I can visit them one day. Would be my pleasure."

"That's precisely why I was calling, today morning they mentioned you again and I promised them I'd ask you if... if... would you like to have dinner at my house?" She stammered a little at the end, my jaw dropped at that proposal.

"Wow! I'd be delighted," I exclaimed. Stefan kept pecking my arm with his index finger while whispering 'What?' several times. I nudged him but to little avail.

"Okay, I'll be out in a little while, if you wait for me, I'll go to your work to pick you up," she said. I used to wear my usual knitted sweater or cardigan with a blouse, still, I couldn't help but consider this a great achievement that required a better presentation.

"Perfect, I'll wait for you here."

She hung up the phone and I did the same.

"What?" Repeated the taller boy, impatiently.

"She invited me to dinner at her house!" I shouted.

We both jumped up and down in each other's arms as we shouted animatedly. Honestly, I didn't care if everyone heard my happiness, because I was happier than I had felt in too long.

After about twenty-five minutes, I heard the bell, and immediately saw that tall woman who always wore her elegant outfits that matched her so beautifully, with that commanding personality that she always projected but slowly faded away as her heart softened.

"Oh, Miss Clark! What a surprise to see you again!" Stefan greeted her, and she dropped her serious expression to smile politely.

"Hello," I proceeded to greet her. Already, she was getting on my nerves, and Stefan wasn't helping because I was afraid he would do something reckless.

"Hello both of you, how was your day?" She replied.

"It was fun, we did the usual customer service, organizing, tidying and cleaning," Stefan said as I grabbed my tote bag containing my dressing gown and essentials. I proceeded to walk over to her side.

"How's yours?" I asked, giving her the most sincere smile I could radiate. Seeing her was like having the privilege of standing in front of a recognized work of art.

"It's been a bit busy, but productive. Now all I need to do is go home, change into my pajamas and have a cigarette."

Stefan and I exchanged a smirk, "okay, you go, the workers of the next shift will be here in a bit," he urged. We usually waited for the next ones to arrive, sometimes they were about ten minutes late but they were usually on time. This time I couldn't afford to wait for them.

"Thank you very much," I said goodbye to him. Marcia did the same. As we walked to the front of the car, I proposed, "if you're too tired, I can drive."

Where Is The EdgeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang