Highschool day of Ellie!

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"Don't forget your lunch El!"
Carla shouts out while getting lunch ready for Mia and herself.

"I already have it!"
Ellie shouts back clearly lying, as they both yell back and forwards Mia grabs her lunch and takes Ellie's hand, Mia's had is always warm, insanely warm no sweat or anything, Ellie loved holding hands with her because it felt comfortable, it was normal.

Carla gave Ellie and Mia a jumpscare coming up behind them and snatching Ellie into a cuddle
"Ahh! Let go!" Ellie yells out giggling. Eventually they arrive at the school dropping Ellie off, it was just a normal day, except the only unnormal thing is that it was the last week.

It was Wednesday so Ellie had a slow day to get through since there were much exams and assessments that week.

Ellie was relevantly short only at 3,7 ft, she was basically the shortest person in the whole school, but in the case of the shortness, she has a lot of boy friends, she is well known in school with a lot of best friends and is practically the popular kid.

It was nothing but another day, it got to period 3 and one more lesson and she was out, she was a was very happy to go on holidays for 8 weeks, her mums has been saving for a while, but it was all worth it in the end. 

"Hey, how are you holding up" Ellie says to Jordan.

Jordan was one of her friends, while she was looking up to him smiling.

"It's been busy, I got lots on the holidays, what about you?"

They both just kept chatting until the bell rang for the last period.
Ellie has an urge to go the toilet but she has a small bladder and all toilets are closed for maintenance since the cleaning crew had to clean up all the vandalism as it's the last week to clean it up.

They left one toilet open and it just so happens to be on the other side of campus.

"Oh just my luck." 

Ellie wasn't very happy troddling all the way there, eventually she reaches it in time, she sat down as fast as she could and locked the door, she begins to release herself. It was a small amount as she has a very small bladder.

She goes down to wipe just to see she still has her pants on, it just had a big dark patch.

"No this can't be happening, what is with toilets today."

She practically wag's period 4 and during the middle of the session she knows it's the time when no one will be around. She makes a run for it one person saw her on the way to the nurse's office, she got a glimpse but not long enough to recognize them. 

Bursting through the door into the nurse's office and closes the blinds assuming that the nurse wasn't there as the room was dark. The nurse Jenny wakes up from the chair in the dark rubbing her eyes in the shadows.

"What can I do for you-" She stops and look's at Ellie and realises the situation.

"Aw it's alright, take a seat there on the bed. Now can you tell me what happened?"

Jenny thoroughly ask Ellie as she explained everything, Jenny understood and got her new set of school pant's and Jenny told Ellie that she'd call her mums to let her know what happened. Ellie refused but she had no choice.

Carla and Mia wasn't impressed but later forgot about it, Ellie didn't come out for dinner and just went to bed in tears from embarrassment, she hasn't been out of her room all afternoon and later went to bed after drinking from her water bottle.

She wakes up and looks at the clock in front of her face, "Ugh, 2:03 AM, that's nice" she says in sarcasm while getting up, as she did she felt a lot of moisture all over her pants.

She looks down and see's it all wet and starts sniffing the air to realise she has bedwetted, she hasn't bedwet in a year, even back then she remembered her mum's use to put pull up's on her and help her into them.

It wasn't exactly a pleasant memory. She woke up Mia and in doing so she woke up Carla, they both cleaned up the bed and pulled out the drynites she use to wear, she tried to refuse to wear them but Carla was convincing as ever.

Carla paid her 5 bucks to wear them and Mia got out the cream and pulled down her pants.

"A familiar feeling" As Ellie sigh's and complains while Mia rubs it on, Mia found it normal and didn't really care about doing it, Carla didn't really like doing it  so Mia just replaces her in doing so.

She hops into a dry bed with a drynite around her filled up with cream, she falls asleep quite easily as she was highly comfortable with it on, she was embarrassed when waking up to it all wet.

"I hope this isn't occasional. Mummy!" Ellie referred Mia as Mummy and Carla as Mum, she never knew why she didn't have a father and didn't grow up with one. She assumed it was something sad, which it was and didn't want to ask. 

She gets up walking in her PJ's with a squishy pull up on.

"Hey how did last night go darling?" Carla ask while straining her hair back and forwards with her hands.

"Not good, I guess you guessed right. I'm going to have a shower and get changed for school"

"Not so fast, you got to have brekkie sweaty, come and sit down" Mia turns while talking noticing her bulge on the front.

She argues but ends up losing the argument, sitting down in her wet pull up feeling the sticky cream on the back of her tailbone and all throughout her pull up. She sits down and continues to eat in silent while her mum's chat back and forwards.

Eventually they finish and she gets cleaned up for school, as she was getting dressed Mia comes in with a pull up in the bathroom "Are you sure you don't need these?" Mia ask while holding up a drynite.

Ellie blushes, "God no, I'll do fine at school so don't worry" Mia walks out in defeat and hopes she's right. The day goes as usual and one of her friends broke up with her, it was one of her best friends and she was quite sad for the rest of the morning, it hits period 2.

During class she puts her hands up to go to the toilet and the teacher refuses as it's the most important time of the lesson, she struggles and keeps harassing the teacher to go as the urge builds up.

Her teacher finally say's yes and she rushes out of the class, right as she entered the toilet, she heard running water, she lost control and it was a mess she made again, she runs into a stall without getting spotted.

One of the student's left the taps on as vandalism.

"Damn that kid!" She whispers while sitting in a wet mess, she runs to the nurse again and she looks around to see it happened again.

"Huh, you have a hard time don't you." Ellie couldn't argue with that and just kept quite.

"Don't worry, I'll go get a spare set of pants, the one you dropped off yesterday, I cleaned and dried them." Jenny exit's and Ellie see's her pair of pants in a clear see through shopping bag on the table.

She was confused but just sat down on the bed, Jenny came back with a bag behind her. She explained the school policy.

"So as school policy says, if a student is unable to control there bowels or bladder twice within a span of a week, they will be needed to wear briefs, also known as diapers, yay!" She says "yay" in sarcasm while wiping the bed down with a dis-infected wipe.

She pulls out the pants out of the bag on her desk and Ellie was too frightened to say anything, she just hops up on the bed again staring at the wall. 

"Hey look it's ok, I've seen your parts plenty of times, as I've examined you before."

Ellie wasn't worried about showing some stuff to her nurse, it was just the fact she's going to be in a brief all day. Jenny walks over and ask Ellie to pull down her pant's, while patiently waiting.

Ellie slowly pulled them down and Jenny used the controller to bring the bed down, making her lie flat.

"Pop up your bum" Ellie just did was she said in a fright without completely grabbing hold of the situation. She felt a similar padding feeling side up her back, and feels powder get sprayed over her, and she flinch's while doing so.

The baby powder had such a scent and the nurse grabbed the top part and folded it over her.

"It is much thicker then a pull up." she thinks while shuffling around.

"There we go, all done, come back to me in the end of the day to change it, and if it gets too full see me at second lunch, which I doubt that will happen, here's a note to tell your teacher where you were"

She hands Ellie a note saying that Ellie fell and tripped  and hurt her leg thinking she broke it.
Ellie hops up and pops her old pants from yesterday on, lucky it was a baggy pair of pants, she thanked Jenny and left.

She noticed how thick it was, it was just a white diaper, nothing else. She made it to class and handed the teacher the note, he wasn't too happy but continued, she sat at the back of the class and when she sat down she hopped up then slowly sat back down.

It was the end of the lesson and she really needed to go again, she couldn't do it. She made it to the toliet's and tried to take it off, but it was really hard because the tab's were on the back of her diaper.

She couldn't reach it and was basically fighting for her life in the stall, she just couldn't do it and lost control filling up the front of the diaper, feeling a warm familiar sensation on the front of it.

She exited the toilet washing her hands with a shocked face, she dodged her friends during lunch and just went to the library losing control over and over, she didn't like it and went to the nurse which she refused to change it as it was basically not even filled, it was barely filled.

She found it comfortable but very embarrassing and felt like a toddler, due to her height and being short, she made it through the day but forgot to go to the nurse and hopped into the car, soon as she shut the door she realised it.

It was too late and Carla was already driving off.

"How was your day El?"

"Um, good I guess." She froze up.

Mia interrupts "So the nurse called me today-"

Ellie just freezes up even more and that's all she heard, the rest felt muffled.

"Sweety, are you hearing me"

While Mia bends her back to face her. They make eye contact and Ellie just has a long stream of pee fill up her diaper, she didn't expect that much pee to exit her as she has a small bladder it was considered a massive amount, she must've been holding it in since lunch.

They get home and Mia ask for Ellie in her room. She enters but whining because she was the have a shower and doesn't want to talk about her day in a very powder and wet brief, it was rather thin diaper and the pee almost touched the back of the diaper.

Mia sits her down pulling out a pack of safari Rearz diapers she picked up from the ABDL store a block away.

"If you don't wear these, you will be staying home for holidays and nanny will look after you."

She sits down and explained what happened and Mia completely understood, Ellie was sitting in a squishy mess with a scent of smell to her. Not bad but rather babyish smelling.

Mia diapers her up without allowing her in a shower, this diaper was MUCH thicker then the tena brief and explained she'd need to be changed when the pee reached the back, while sliding the diaper under her.

She powder her up and spread cream all over her bum but powder the front, Ellie asked while stuttering.

"Uh- W- Why do you put uhm the uh cream on the back but um not the front..." She complained very slightly.

"Because cream rash is better for you then powder " 

Ellie blushes and covers her face regretting asking her, she puts the diaper over the front of her, and is familiar with diapers as Ellie swapped to diapers to pull ups 2 years ago.

Mia helps her into her pant's and Ellie slowly walks back to her room with a slight waddle.  Carla see's her waddle and finds it adorable.

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