Late Night Cravings

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As soon as you opened up the front door you were greeted by Taehyung's figure, stepping back as he flew through the house, grabbing onto your hands before looking down at your own.

"What's wrong?" You questioned, noticing the panic in his expression and the heavy way that he breathed, "you look as if you've seen a ghost, has something happened whilst I've been gone?"

Taehyung struggled to compose himself, relieved to see you in front of him. He had never felt terror like it when he stirred in the night, preparing to reach across and be able to put his hand across your baby bump, only to be met by the bed sheets instead.

His head shook in disbelief as he loosened the grip that he had on your frame, unable to think of little else but the smell of fast food that was coming from the bag that you held tightly in your hand, ready to tuck into as soon as you sat down.

"Where did you go?" He sighed, stepping back so that you could walk back into your home, "why didn't you tell me that you were going anywhere at three in the morning Y/N."

The fear that was in his voice made you feel terrible, but after weeks of disturbing Taehyung with your cravings, you had finally had enough. You wanted to do something for yourself, hoping at least that Taehyung wouldn't find out.

You sheepishly smiled across at him as you sat down on the sofa, beginning to unpack your food bag as he perched on the arm of the sofa beside you.

"I was craving burger and friends from the drive-thru, I couldn't sleep without it," you told him, hurrying to take your first bite of the burger you had waited for.

"Why didn't you wake me, I could have gone and got you one," Taehyung vented, still unsure as to why you decided to take it upon yourself to drive alone so early in the morning.

He was clueless as to how badly you were struggling with your cravings, how much you hated constantly having to rely on someone else to be able to do the things that you wanted to.

"I wanted to prove to myself that I'm still capable of doing stuff, I didn't want to wake you up when you were first asleep," you explained, "that wouldn't have been fair."

Although you hated having Taehyung run around after you, he was loving being able to take care of you and help you out whenever you needed him whilst you were pregnant.

"You could have at least told me where you were going, even though it was the drive-thru," he sighed, "at least then I wouldn't have panicked."

"Why? Because you wanted something from the drive-thru too?"

A chuckle of frustration came from Taehyung as he ran his hands through his hair, watching you tuck into your food with a huge smile of comfort on your face.

"Because then I wouldn't have worried that something had happened to you," he corrected.

"I was fine," you smiled in reply, "I'm more than capable of getting in a car and driving, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean that I can't take care of myself."

It was clear to the two of you that you had two very different approaches to your pregnancy, whilst you weren't ready to give up control as your baby became bigger, Taehyung was more than happy to pick up all the parts of your life that you were struggling with and shoulder the responsibility for himself.

"I know you mean well Taehyung, but can't you just trust that I can still do things for myself, just for once?" You asked of him, picking up another chip and popping it into your mouth.

"I just want to make sure you're safe," he sighed, slipping down the arm of the sofa so that he was sat closer to you, "I don't want you to get into any danger, especially when I'm not there."

You knew that Taehyung always tended to be on the cautious side, safety was his number one priority with anything that he did, and although you knew he wanted you to be safe, sometimes that desire was a little too strong for you.

"I'm sorry if you feel like I'm wrapping you up in bubble wrap, it's not my intention," he smiled, "I'm having a hard time finding my boundaries when caring for you whilst pregnant."

You placed your food to one side for the moment, despite the craving that lingered in your stomach. After wiping your hand, you reached across and took a hold of his, squeezing it tightly as Taehyung began to fret beside you.

"You can trust me, that's a good start," you suggested, "I know what I'm capable of, and I know when I need to ask for your help too."

His head nodded as his eyes fell to the floor, "you can tell me when I'm too much, you don't have to let me get involved if you don't want me to."

"Most of the time I love having you look after me."

You never failed to acknowledge how lucky you were to have someone as caring as Taehyung by your side whilst you were pregnant, you had never met someone as willing to help you out in your life. At the same time, you wished sometimes for space, especially whilst everything was heightened around you whilst you adjusted.

"I don't mind letting you do things, but please don't do them at three in the morning when it's pitch black," Taehyung requested, "it's too dangerous for you to be out by yourself at the best of times, especially whilst pregnant."

"I didn't even get out of the car."

"I don't care," he chuckled, making sure that you listened closely to him, "if you want to go out in the middle of the day alone, that's fine, but you've still got to be careful Y/N, no matter how much you want burger and fries."

A shy smile appeared on your face as Taehyung pointed to the mess that was beside you after you indulged in your meal, satisfying your cravings perfectly.

"I find it rude that you've not even offered me a chip yet anyway," Taehyung chimed in an attempt to pick the mood back up between the two of you, "I know you're craving, but I'm sure that baby could spare one chip for its daddy."

"I've got the feeling that they're going to be pretty protective of their food, just like me," you replied, reluctantly picking up the chip bag and offering it to Taehyung.

He did as he promised, taking just one out of the bag and popping it in his mouth before handing the bag to you. Whilst Taehyung was careful as he ate, you were quick to grab a handful of fries, moving your hand around to find a way to fit all of them into your mouth.

Taehyung could do nothing else but chuckle as he watched you, stunned by just how badly you were craving. He knew you would have had to have been desperate to drive at three in the morning, but even he now knew he had underestimated that desperation in you.

"I think there might be a few more drive-thru calls before the baby arrives if you crave it that bad," Taehyung teased as he sat back and watched you with a smile on your face.

"Can you believe I used to say no when you offered to go to the drive-thru before I got pregnant," you added, "I could never imagine saying no to a burger now."

"The nurse did say that cravings do funny things and take you by surprise, but I never expected it to be this bad."

"Cravings might just be my favourite thing in the world."

"Anything to do with food is your favourite these days."

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