Day seven of seven

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Monday, March 21, 2022

It is the last day of the poly week. I have a lot of thoughts I want to put out there but I don't know how to put them into words.

I have always thought that the person I know the best would not be a good match for me. I was wrong. But he seems to be clingy in his own way.

James is the most active out of all three but I'm ok with it.

I was asked multiple times this week for confirmation. It put a lot of pressure on me. It would anyone but I decided that I wasn't ready for a relationship.

Being in a polyamorous relationship is very difficult. You have to be very attentive to everyone all the time. No matter what happens you have to stick by everyone in the group. You have to be there for them. Not often can people say that polyamory is for them. I think that you have to be in a certain mindset and a certain level of relationship experience to be able to cooperate with everyone in a group.

While it is very difficult and emotionally draining at some points, I do think that in the long run if polyamory is for you it has the biggest benefits. I am all for loving who you love and taking no criticism for that. That is why I really wanted to try this especially for my friends. I wanted to know how their relationship works even if it is messy it's very rewarding to them. It was really nice having a view from the inside rather than just making the assumptions that I had already made on the outside.

Not a lot of people can say that they've been in a polyamorous relationship. I do think that if you are interested you should totally try it but be safe about it and do it with people that you are comfortable with. I had the luxury of joining a group for a week that I was already friends with. Polyamory is not a very common relationship status. Most relationships that you see are monogamous. Even those relationships are draining. I would definitely say this experience was worth it. While I didn't end up becoming a part of their group permanently or for a long period of time I did learn a few things about myself and their relationship. I learned things that I would not have known otherwise.

Polyamory is not a very easy thing to do. While it sounds good in thought, it takes a lot of effort to make work. Again polyamory is not for everyone but if you have the right people in the right amount of love and communication in the relationship it is totally worth it and it is a beautiful thing. It's just a whole lot more love to go around and more people to love. Who doesn't want that?

I am going to wrap this up by saying love who you want. If that's the same gender or the opposite gender. Even if they don't identify with a gender, I think that people should be able to express them selves with the people they want to associate themselves with.

If you have any questions about my experience with polyamory then just ask I'll be able to answer anything.

And with that I think I'm done. Later!

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